Thursday 26th March
English: L.O: To describe using the senses to create atmosphere.Activity 1: Today's English activity is not related to our current class book 'Pig Heart Boy' but chapter 5 has been uploaded to the Learning--> Stories page on the website. Please listen to this in order to follow the story, ready for all future English tasks related to the book. Activity 2: Imagine that you are approaching or have stumbled upon the house in the video below. Your task is to to describe your surroundings. I would encourage you to use the 5 senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting) to describe the atmosphere clearly to the reader. I would like to see:
You could follow the instructions below to help you to start putting your description together: 1) Play the video and pause at 00:15 seconds- In your 1st sentence, describe what you can hear. 2) Play the video and pause at 00:20 seconds- Now describe what you can see. 3) Play the video and pause at 00:30- What is that noise? 4) Play and pause at 00:50- How are you feeling? Are you cold? Are you scared? Now that you almost have your first paragraph, play the video again, pausing when you feel that you see/hear something that you can describe to create atmosphere in your writing. Once you have written your setting description and you have read it through, checking the success criteria listed above, you may want to post your piece of writing on the 'merlinshomelearning' blog on J2E for myself and your peers to take a look at! Remember to give it a title :)
Maths: L.O: To solve number puzzles involving multiplication and divisionActivity 1: Attempt a Bronze, Silver OR Gold Maths challenge by clicking the links below. Mark your answers only when you are finished. If you finish quickly (less than 5 mins) , attempt the next level for a challenge! Activity 2: In a multiplication pyramid, pairs of numbers are multiplied together to make the number above them. Attached are multiplication pyramid activities for both Y5 and Y6. For each year group, complete one of the Bronze (A), Silver (B) OR Gold (C) activity. Platinum Challenge: Below, are two optional platinum challenges. However with these mathematical pyramids, all of the four operations (+-/x) need to be used to solve the problems. |
Geography: L.O: To write a non-chronological report on an endangered species.Activity: Use your research notes on your chosen endangered animal to write a report all about this animal. I have attached an example of a non chronological report below. Please look at this example to help you organise your report. I have also attached a copy of a previously completed non-chronoloigcal report which may give you some ideas of how best to present the work in your books. The subheadings for your report should be as follows:
Each section should be a minimum of 1 small paragraph. Please make sure that you write in full sentences. |
P.E.At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bare in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same!