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PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic education) and RSHE (Relationships and sex and health education)






Our approach to PSHE is linked closely to our school vision, values and capacities. We have chosen to follow the Jigsaw scheme because it is so closely aligned to what we seek to acheive within our community. This scheme encompasses our e-safety curriculum, British Values and SRE. Please see the documents below which outline the progression of this scheme.

You can find out more about the Jigsaw curriculum on their website by clicking on the following link: Jigsaw website

Whilst sex and relationships education has always been a part of the primary curriculum, it focussed centrally on how the body changes as people become teenagers and the simple life cycle of humans. This tended to happen when children reached Year 5 and was taught in a small block as part of science lessons.

Government guidance means that relationships education will be required to be taught throughout the school from September 2020 and schools are encouraged to educate children on the changes that they may physically face and that they need to understand. 

Parents, staff and governors were consulted regarding the teaching of 'Sex Education' in our PSHE curriculum. We held a meeting for parents in March 2021 whereby we shared the materials and the proposed curriculum.  Parents then had a month to respond to the meeting with their thoughts and any questions. The outcome of the consultation period was extremely positive and unanimously in favour of including sex education as part of the new RSE curriculum at Abberley Primary School.

Parents will be informed of the dates of the lessons and will have the right to request their child be withdrawn from these selected PSHE lessons. In KS1 Science (animals, including humans) unit of work, pupils will learn that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. Parents will not have the right to request their child be withdrawn from these lessons as they are part of the compulsory science curriculum.

Please follow this link to see guidance for schools.

RSHE Guidance