Tuesday 28th April
English L.O: To write a third person narrative.Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 19 of 'Pig Heart Boy' on the Learning--> Stories page of the website. In the chapter we have just read, it is beginning to dawn on Cam that whilst many people are happy for him and his new heart, many of his peers (in particular, Julie) are afraid of being near him. They don't see him as the same Cameron Kelsey that he was before, and instead view his as 'different' 'weird' or even a threat. The video below, titled 'Little Freak' is all about a young boy with a facial disfigurement. He sees himself as a 'freak' and different to everybody else, much like Cam in chapter 19. When his father asks him to make a birthday-wish he starts to imagine... Activity 2: Watch the video below.
Activity 3: Today, I would like you to write the story you have just watched in third person (from a narrator's perspective using pronouns such as 'he', 'they' and 'them') Helpful prompts whilst retelling the story:
2. Then, describe what the boy is doing.
3. How does the boy interact with his dad?
Aim to write at least 3 paragraphs and follow the success criteria below:
MathsYear 5: L.O: To subtract decimals with the same number of decimal placesActivity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson.
Activity 2: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. Activity 3: Check your answers once you are done using the link below. Activity 4: Attached below are some 'Year 5 Reasoning and Problem Solving' tasks linked to this topic. Open up the file and select either the Bronze (D), Silver (E) or Gold (GD) page depending on your confidence levels. Complete one page of reasoning and problem solving questions before scrolling to the last page to mark your answers only when you are done. Year 6: L.O: To calculate the angles in regular polygonsActivity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson.
Activity 2: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. Activity 3: Check your answers once you are done using the link below. Activity 4: Attached below are some 'Year 6 Reasoning and Problem Solving' tasks linked to this topic. Open up the file and select either the Bronze (D), Silver (E) or Gold (GD) page depending on your confidence levels. Complete one page of reasoning and problem solving questions before scrolling to the last page to mark your answers only when you are done. |
Geography L.O: To identify European mountain ranges and their features.Activity 1: Attached below is a file titled 'European Mountain Ranges Activity'. In this file is a blank map of Europe, very much like the one below. For your first task, I would like you to research and label the following famous mountain ranges onto your map (colour code with a key if you are able to). You may search for key terms such as 'Pyrenees location on a map' to help you with your research.
Activity 2: On the second page of the file titled 'European Mountain Ranges Activity', there are four questions to be completed which involve researching mountain height and location etc. The answers are also attached below. |
P.E.At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bare in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same! OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link: Alternative P.E. Ideas