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Thursday 30th April

Hello Wrens

I hope you are all well.  It was very strange (and quiet) being in school for the day without you this week.  I am missing you all. Keep smiling and keep busy. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can see each other again.

I have been having a look at some websites to help us with our learning and found some good games on BBC Bitesize.  

Small Town Superheroes and Karate Cats English have lots of different activities on spelling, grammar and punctuation.  Click on the links below to have a go.

Small Town Superheroes

Karate Cats English

Mickey Thompson and Purvis enjoyed playing Small Town Superheroes but were less keen on Karate Cats!



Back to Phonics again today.  Please see the activities below.


Today we are learning about measuring liquids in containers.

For example how much squash we can fit into a glass?  We call this the capacity of the glass. 

The volume of the liquid is the amount of squash in the glass.

Purvis and Mickey Thompson made some squash. Their glasses are full.

Mickey Thompson drank his in one go. His glass is now empty. 
Purvis was more sensible and only drank some of his.  His glass is  now half full.

Now it's time to have some fun and get a bit messy.   Ask your grown up if you can have a tub of water and some different sized containers.  You could even do this in the bath.  Its much more fun if you colour the water and/or add some bubbles.   Reception don't forget about your magic potions!

Practising emptying and filling your containers.  

Can you make them all full or all empty?  Can you make some half full or nearly full or nearly empty?

Do you think all your containers hold the same amount of water?  How do you know? 

Can you order your containers by how much water they hold from the smallest capacity to the largest capacity?

Reception - have a go at the filling the bucket challenge below.  There is also a second sheet but this requires colouring so it is best to do it after you have put the water away.

Year 1 - have a go at the questions attached.  Try not to get your paper too wet!

Have fun and remember to help tidy up afterwards!

Mrs Lightfoot (and Purvis and Mickey Thompson)