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Thursday 7th May


Miss Hughes’ group – L.O. To reason and problem solve with equivalent fractions

Did you find a pattern/rule to finding equivalent fractions? This is our last session on equivalent fractions and you will need to use the knowledge you’ve gained to answer some reasoning and problem solving questions today. I have put the link for yesterday’s video below so you can watch this again to help you if you need it.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for you to try. Remember, you don’t need to do all of the sheets. Do the one you are most confident with and then challenge yourself to try the next level.




Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group – L.O. To reason and problem solve with decimals

Today you will be using your knowledge about decimals to answer reasoning and problem solving questions. Have your trusty place value grid handy! I have put the link for yesterday’s video below so you can watch this again to help you if you need it.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for you to try. Remember, you don’t need to do all of the sheets. Do the one you are most confident with and then challenge yourself to try the next level.



English: LO: To write an acrostic poem using 'shape poetry'.

Hello, I'm one of Miss Hughes' kittens. My name is Lucky and you have probably seen lots of pictures of me during one of Miss Hughes' 'Kitten Updates'. She gets really excited when she speaks about me and my brother, Tom. She loves us so much!

Miss Hughes has been working from home for so long now and we have been watching what she gets up to everyday and this morning, I decided to write an acrostic poem about what it has been like for Miss Hughes during the 'lockdown'. I hope you like it. 

Your task today is to create an acrostic poem using the word 'RAINBOW' and present it in the shape of one too! 

Below you will see my plan, I made notes of some words that I could use linked to Miss Hughes' day/life that started with each letter of 'rainbow'. This was to help me put these into sentences. 

As you can see my poem rhymes. Yours doesn't have to rhyme, but it would be great if it did. 

Have fun, 

Love Lucky... Meow! x


Spelling: Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite's English group

Please ask someone at home to test you on last week's spellings. You will find your new spellings in your files on J2e. You can also practise your spellings on J2Blast. Check which ones have been shared with you to make sure you are selecting the correct ones!


Computing: L.O. To use your coding skills to make your own creations

This week , again, you get to choose what you’d like to do.

1. You can use J2Code and go onto Visual and carry on experimenting using all the skills you have gained over the past few weeks. Please share what you create with me (je38).


2. You can ask a parent to help you sign up to Scratch. You will need your parent’s permission as you need to register the account (which is free) to an email address. Please do NOT do this without your parent’s permission! Also, please follow the advice telling you NOT to use your real name when you sign up.

There are lots of lots of tutorials which will help you get to grips with Scratch. I will show you how to access these.

When you log into Scratch, select 'Learn how to make a project in Scratch'.

Then select 'Tutorials'.

There are so many different tutorials to watch so choose one that grabs you.

Then have a play! Remember, you can always start again if something goes wrong. It's all about seeing what you can create and having fun!

You can upload any of your Scratch creations to J2e. Just click on J2Code and on the right hand side of the page you will see an ‘Import from Scratch’ button. Share what you have done with me (je38).

Thank you to those of you who shared your creations with me last week :)