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Monday 15th June

ATTENTION YEAR 6! See the bottom of this page for a transition activity I would like you to complete by Monday 22nd June.
English L.O To use parenthesis to provide extra information.

Activity 1: Ask an adult or older sibling to test you on the new 10 spellings you received on Monday 8th June and make a record of your score in your home learning books . New spellings for you to be tested on next week can be found below.

Activity 2: : Listen to Chapter 19 of 'The Stolen Sister' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website.

Activity 3: Today's lesson is SPaG lesson courtesy of BBC Bite size. Open the following link: Parethesis.

Read the 'Learn' section of this webpage and watch the two learning videos.

Activity 4: Complete the following 3 tasks.

  1. 1. Complete te interactive activity at the bottom of the webpage.
  2. 2. Complete 'Parenthesis Task 1' attached to the bottom of this page.
  3. 3. Complete 'Parenthesis Task 2' attached to the bottom of this page.
Year 5 L.O.: To find a fraction of an amount.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Open the file attached below titled 'Y5 Fluency'. Answer as many questions as you can out of the 24 questions there are in total. Mark your work once you are finished using the file below titled 'Y5 Maths Fluency (Answers)'.

Activity 3: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Challenge' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Mark your answers using the file below titled 'Y5 Challenge (Answers)'.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3
Year 6 L.O.: To order decimals, percentages and fractions.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Open the file attached below titled 'Y6 Fluency'. Answer questions 1-11. Mark your work once you are finished using the file below titled 'Y6 Maths Fluency (Answers)'.

Activity 3: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Challenge' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Mark your answers using the file below titled 'Y6 Challenge (Answers)'.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3
Science L.O: To understand how light is refracted.

Activity 1: Take a look at the picture below. This picture shows what happens when light is 'refracted'. What do you think this means based on what you can see?

Activity 2: Watch this video below to find out more about what is means for light to be 'refracted' and what is actually going on in this picture to make it look the way it does!



Activity 3: Open up the file below titled 'Investigation 1- Amazing Arrow' and carry out this experiment, complete the worksheet as you do, outlining your predictions and explanation of what happened.

Activity 4: Open up the file below titled 'Investigation 2- Incredible Images' and carry out this experiment, complete the worksheet as you do, outlining your predictions and explanation of what happened.

Activity 5: If you are unable to complete the activities above, open up the file titled 'Reflection vs Refraction' and sort objects into the correct column (answers are also attached).


At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bear in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same!

OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link:   Alternative P.E. Ideas




Transition Yearbook (Y6)

At Abberley , the summer term is usually a very exciting time for you, year 6. One focus we usually have is preparing to say a heartfelt goodbye to you and to prepare you for your next steps! Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we are unable to give you the send-off you truly deserve (we will make sure to make up for this!). However, it is my aim in the next couple of weeks to put together a Yearbook for you all to look back on for years to come to remind you of the fond memories you have made during your time at Abberley. In order to to this, I am requesting 3 things from you: 

  1. I have attached below a file titled 'Y6 Yearbook'. You will need to print this document double-sided in colour. If you do not have a printer at home, I will leave copies in the box outside of the school entrance (under shelter) for you to collect when you are able to. Once you have completed this sheet and it is full of writing and colourful pictures, please either share a scanned copy of it with me on J2E or post it through the school letter box.
  2. Please share with me on J2E (or post through letterbox with completed yearbook page) a picture of yourself when you were younger (this could be a baby photo!).
  3. Please share with me on J2E (or post through letterbox with completed yearbook page) a picture of yourself now (ideally a copy of a school photograph if you have one).

Please know that these activities are not compulsory. If you do not feel comfortable sharing pictures of yourself on J2E to go into the yearbook, draw a picture of yourself in the picture frame as an alternative.

Please could you aim to get your yearbook page and two photographs to me or school by Monday 22nd June

Last week in school, Y6 watched the following videos all about the transition from primary to secondary school. If you were not in school last week, watch these videos here: Y6 Transition Clips