Friday 19th June
Hello Wrens
Today is Tricky Word Friday and we are going to learn our last two tricky words, which are
one and do
The tricky word cards are attached below for you to make so you can practise reading and writing them with the actions to help you.
Segmenting for spelling. Let's make a rainbow. Using your rainbow colours practise writing your tricky words using the sheet below. Use red to write your first word and then swop to orange for your second word. Start with our two new tricky words and then add any others that you think you would like to practise.
Blending for reading.
Place your new tricky words and four of your old ones that you want to practise into hoops or spread them out on the floor on cushions. Then
- try and throw a ball/beanbag at your tricky words and read the one you land on.
- roll a dice and jump that many hoops/cushions saying each tricky word as you do so.
For an extra challenge try and use your tricky words into a sentence.
Year 1.
Last week we were thinking about adding groups of letters to the end of words to change the word. Can you remember what these were called?
That's right they are called suffixes.
Today we are going to learn 2 new suffixes - er and est. These are used to compare things.
For example.
Ortrud is taller than Purvis. Mickey Thompson is the smallest
Sometimes like we learnt last week we have to double the last letter in the word before adding the suffix.
Purvis is bigger than Mickey Thompson.
Can you write two more sentences about the photograph using the suffixes er and est?
Work through the powerpoint below which recaps the suffixes from last week ing and ed as well as our new suffixes.
Parents - this powerpoint is designed for work with a class. Work through it verbally just doing a few examples for each suffix.
Then have a go at the activity sheet attached below. Please don't feel you need to complete all 3 sheets - 1 is fine!
Reception - Let's recap our number bonds to 7 that we learnt yesterday with Jack Hartman. Get ready to sing and dance.
You guessed it today we are going to be looking at ways of making 8.
You can choose between the butterfly or spider number cards to 8 attached below. Print off the cards and cut them up. Now stick them in your home learning book and see if you can write the number sentence that goes with each card.
Year 1.
Yesterday we were learning about inverse number sentences and fact families.
To warm up see if you can write the fact families for the problems below.
I have 20 pieces of fruit. There are 14 oranges and 6 apples.
I have 15 animals. There are 8 goats and 7 pigs.
Now have a go at the fluency questions attached below. There are 3 different levels to choose from.
For an extra challenge there is also a problem solving activity.
Today I thought we'd finish the week by doing a music session inspired by the body.
Let's warm up with learning some body percussion with Ollie Tunmer
Now you need to log onto Music Express on the Big Cat website (the same website we use for guided reading)
You will need to use the user name and the password Parents20!
Once you are logged in select Music Express
Click on Lesson Bank and then choose Year 1. Scroll down until you get to Our bodies. Select Lesson 1 Steady beats.
What we are learning. (All the music, lyrics and instructions are included - it is very easy to follow!)
• Performing a steady beat at two different speeds (tempi)
• Responding to change of mood in a piece of music with a slow and fast steady beat
What you will need.
• A selection of sound makers and/or percussion instruments. These can be home-made, for example saucepans and wooden spoons, tupperware with rice or pasta in.
• Beat
• Tempo - slow/fast, slower/ faster
• Timbre - spooky, scary, bright, cheer
Teaching activities.
Do as I’m doing. Practise a steady beat, co-ordinating left and right
Children: – listen to a song and mark the steady beat with actions using alternate sides of the body; – invent and lead new alternating left/right body actions on the beat.
Slow and creepy. Recognise and respond to a steady beat in a song
Children: – discuss the lyrics of a song and join in with the descriptive vocal sounds; – use body percussion to play a slow, steady beat to accompany the song; – add instruments to the vocal sounds.
Fast and cheery. Recognise and respond to a steady beat at different speeds.
Children: – listen to the song and discuss changes of tempo and mood in the verses; – use body percussion to play a fast, steady beat to accompany the song; – select instruments to play sounds during the fast section; – combine the sections together to put on a performance.
Have a Happy Weekend!
Mrs Lightfoot (and Purvis and Mickey Thompson)