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Wednesday 24th June


I am in the process of putting together a leavers book for every year 6 pupil whilst I am at school this week. For those who have yet to complete their leavers page and send over a current photograph of yourself and a baby/young photograph, PLEASE try to do this as soon as possible (The full instructions and leavers page are attached on the Monday 15th June page). I am only in school a limited number of days and as the end of term approaches, there will only be limited time for me to do this at school and I am very keen to get it done and looking great.

Ways to share these with me:

  1. Send a scanned copy and of your completed leavers page in an email to Mr Turvey at the following email address: Mr Turvey knows to forward these to me.
  2. Drop off your completed page and photographs at school (drop through the letter box).
  3. Share these with me on J2E.
  4. If you are unable to get these to be via any of the above methods, please contact the school via phone or email ( and I can arrange to pick it up from you

Thank you again to all of those who have sent these through already.

Miss Harvey :)

English L.O: To identify text-based clues for a character description.

Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 3 of 'Skellig' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website.

Activity 2: Listen to the chapter again but only from minute 1:40 - 3:14.

Whilst you are listening for a second time, I would like you to pause the video each time I read a phrase that describes the mystery man in the garage. Each time you pause the video, make a note of the descriptive words and phrases used to describe him. 

Activity 3: Draw a picture of the man sitting in the garage (draw in the centre of your page). Leave room around the outside for you to label your drawing.

Activity 4: Once you have drawn the mystery figure, label your drawing with the quotes from the text (those you wrote down for Activity 2), to show exactly what you have drawn and how this links to the authors description of him.

Activity 5: Based on what you have read, what are your first impressions of the man in the garage? Write at leas two sentences:

Extension: Open the file below titled 'Skellig: Chapter 3 PEE' and write out the sentences and fill in the gaps using evidence from the chapter.

Year 5 L.O.: To find percentages as fractions and decimals.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Learn more about this topic by following this link: Percentages as Fractions and Decimals

  • Activity 2: Click the following link and complete questions 1 and 2: Activity 1 
  • Mark your work using the answer sheet once you are finished: Answer Sheet
  • Activity 3: Click the following link and complete questions 1 and 2:  Activity 2
  • Mark your work using the answer sheet once you are finished:  Answer Sheet

Activity 4: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Challenge' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Mark your answers using the file below titled 'Y5 Challenge (Answers)'.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3


















Year 6 L.O.: To solve two step equations.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



  • Activity 2: Click the following link and read the information and watch the two learning videos: Two Step Equations
  • Activity 3: Click the following link and complete questions 1 and 2: Activity 2
  • Mark your work for both activities above using the answer sheet once you are finished: Answer Sheet
  • Activity 4: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Challenge' and complete page 1-3. Answers are on also attached.
PSHE L.O: To investigate how human rights activists have changed the world.

Activity 1: Have a go at answering the following two questions in your home learning books OR discuss them with an adult at home:

  • What is a 'human rights activist' and what do they do?
  • How have these people made the world a better place for everyone?

Human rights activists work individually or with others to ensure that all people have their human rights respected. There are many human rights activists in the world who:

  1. Promote human rights
  2. Get laws which do not respect the rights of all people changed
  3. Support people or groups of people to ensure their human rights are respected.

Here are some examples of some human rights activists. How many do you recognise?














Activity 2: For each activist above, can you research and summarise in one or two sentence(s) what they fought for?

Activity 4: Pick a minimum of one of the four activists above, open the file below titled 'Human Rights Hero Research Sheet' and complete the research activity for your chosen activist(s).

Human rights activists play a very important role in making the world a fairer place for all people. They stand up for people whose rights are not being met or respected and speak out about situations which are unjust and wrong. Human rights activists are instrumental in changing perceptions, opinions and laws which do not support the human rights of all people. 

Unfortunately, despite very positive changes over the years and the tremendous efforts of human rights activists, there are many people throughout the world who still do not have their human rights met 
or respected.

The world needs us all to be human rights heroes! We can do this by taking action and making choices which respect and protect the rights of all people.
