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Friday 3rd July

English L.O: To draw inferences and justify them with evidence.

Activity 1: Watch the video on the webpage linked here to learn more about what 'inference' is: Inference

Year 5

Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Reading Activity'. Today, we are going to be using the skill of 'inference'. This is going to involve you reading the text (or part of it) and use the clues in the text to work out what is happening.

There are 2 activities for you to complete today:

  1. 'Body Language' requires you to read two scenes. You must imagine that you are walking by and saw these events take place and answer the questions about what is going on.'
  2.  'First Woman In Space' requires you to read the biography of Valentina Tereshkova and answer the inference questions that follow.

Activity 3: Once you are finished, check your answers using 'Y5 Reading Activity (Answers)'.

Year 6

Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Reading Activity'. Today, we are going to be using the skill of 'inference'. This is going to involve you reading the text (or part of it) and use the clues in the text to work out what is happening.

There are 2 activities for you to complete today:

  1.  'Between the Lines' requires you to read 2 different scenes and use your inferential skills to identify what is happening. 
  2. For 'Queen of the Air' you will need to read the biography of Amelia Earheart and answer the inference questions that follow.

Activity 3: Once you are finished, check your answers using 'Y6 Reading Activity (Answers)'.


Activity 1: Complete one page of your Mental Arithmetic book. If you are able to, mark your work with a parent, adult or older sibling at home. 

Activity 2: Click the link below to access White Roses' 'Friday Maths Challenges'! You do not need to complete them all but attempt as many as you can! As Y5 & 6, you should focus on challenges 3-10.

Friday Maths Challenge

Challenge Answers

Computing L.O.: To create digital art

This week's artistic style is Pointillism. Some of you may remember this art style from a Take One Picture we did a few years ago based on a painting by George Seurat - Bathers at Asnieres. Having checked the dates you would have been in Reception!

This is a completely different style to what you've been doing the past couple of weeks. Have a look at the attached file for more information. The PDF says to use Paint for this task, if you don't have Paint use J2e5 and select the smallest dot on the pencil. As always, have fun and share your artwork with me (je38).
