Friday 10th July
Spellings: This is going to be the last spelling test for the year. You will need to print off the passage below to fill in the gaps or you can just list the words in your home learning books. Once you are ready, click the video link below. Good Luck. Click here for passage.
Marking the test - I would like you to use the common spellings (PDF below or look at the transport pictures from the week) and see how many you got correct. Try and learn any spellings you got wrong ready to enter year 3 in September.
Maths/ Computing: I have seen some wonderful examples of coding this week, well done Skylarks. I will have a more detailed look at any work you have sent me over the weekend as I have been teaching the Year 1's all week back at school.
If you have completed the last two lessons on coding and you are confident with writing algorithms then complete today's lesson. If not, go back and repeat the last lessons and have an experiment with the different coding blocks. What can you make the sprites do?
Today you are going to know how to add a condition to a program. Watch the video clip to learn how to use the coding blocks -
I have shared the templates for today's lesson so look carefully in your shared folder for...
Task 1. Make the bat fly down the cave towards the spider. look back at the video or the example template to give you ideas. Q. How could you make the spider disappear?
Task 2. Get the spider to move down the cave more slowly and add the "if" blocks to make something happen when the bat and spider touch. You might want to look at this coding to help -
Challenge - Try some different actions when the sprites touch. Experiment with new backgrounds and animations.
Happy Coding :)