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Friday 10th July

English L.O: To ensure words make sense in context.

Activity 1: Listen to  Chapter 19 AND Chapter 20 of 'Skellig' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website

Year 5

Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Reading Activity'. Once you have opened the file, there are 3 activities for you to complete: 'Who's Got It Right?' and 'Our Hobbies' and 'Word Swapping'. For  these activities, read the text carefully and follow the instructions at the top of each page. See 'helpful hints' below.

Activity 3: Once you are finished, check your answers using 'Y5 Reading Activity (Answers)' when you have completed all 3 tasks.

Year 6

Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Reading Activity'. Once you have opened the file,there are 3 activities for you to complete: 'On the Run', 'Track Down the Synonyms' and 'Word Association'. For all three activities, read the text carefully and follow the instructions at the top of each page. See 'helpful hints' below.

Activity 3: Once you are finished, check your answers using 'Y6 Reading Activity (Answers)' when you have completed all 3 tasks.


Activity 1: Complete one page of your Mental Arithmetic book. If you are able to, mark your work with a parent, adult or older sibling at home. 

Activity 2: Click the link below to access White Roses' 'Friday Maths Challenges'! You do not need to complete them all but attempt as many as you can! As Y5 & 6, you should focus on challenges 3-7.

Friday Maths Challenge

Challenge Answers

Computing L.O.: To create digital art

This is our last week of digital art. I hope you've enjoyed what I've asked you to do so far? For your last lesson we are being inspired by Pop Art. I really like this bright and colourful style, especially when the colours used clash and aren't colours you would usually put together. There is more information on the attached sheet to help you.

As I always say, be creative and have fun! You have shared some amazing art with me over the past few weeks so don't forget to do the same this week. I look forward to seeing your creations (je38).
