Day 1
L.O. To reason and problem solve with equivalent fractions
Did you find a pattern/rule to finding equivalent fractions? This is our last session on equivalent fractions and you will need to use the knowledge you’ve gained to answer some reasoning and problem solving questions today. I have put the link for yesterday’s video below so you can watch this again to help you if you need it.
I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for you to try. Remember, you don’t need to do all of the sheets. Do the one you are most confident with and then challenge yourself to try the next level.
LO: To use powerful adjectives to improve sentences
Today you’re going to learn all about powerful adjectives and how they improve sentences. We can sometimes write stories or sentences without really thinking about how we could make the sentences interesting to the reader. Click the tab to look at the PowerPoint, which will give you some ideas on how to improve the sentences on the worksheet (also attached at the bottom of the page)
There are 3 different levels to choose from:
1 star = Bronze
2 stars = Silver
3 stars = Gold
Choose what you would normally do in class.
Continuing our studies of the United Kingdom, today you are going to look at the geography of Wales. Follow the link below.