Year 5/6 Lacrosse
Lacrosse fun in the sun.
Read more information about the wonderful enrichment opportunities at Abberley.
Lacrosse fun in the sun.
Reception learn some valuable new skills in DT.
Year 3/4 enjoy tag rugby in the sunshine.
Reception discover how to grow a bean stalk.
Wrens enjoy a live music performance.
Abberley have fun celebrating the Coronation.
To celebrate the Coronation KS1 have used their weaving skills to create two large crowns using willow and material. Also on display are the competition entries to design a new crown for the King incorporating one of Abberley's school values or attributes. What a fantastic whole school display. Well done to all the amazing crown entries. They demonstrate exceptional creative imagination.
Key Stage 2 children take part in Cluster cross-country races.
Great sports skills from Reception.
In Science, Merlins were investigating the effect of removing oxygen from the fire triangle.