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Read more information about the wonderful enrichment opportunities at Abberley.

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  • Folly Farm Day 3

    Published 12/06/24

    On our final day at Folly Farm we headed back up into the woods. David, our instructor, talked about the different reasons for building a shelter. The children then split into two groups to design and build their own waterproof shelter. They were warned a storm was coming (David, Mrs Gregory and Mrs Gibbons armed with cups of water). The children soon found out how successful at keeping them dry their shelters were!

    Afterwards, we spent some time around the camp fire and the children learnt about the fire triangle. They then tried lighting their own fires and toasting marshmallows. 
    Then, sadly, it was time to leave Folly Farm and return home. The children were a credit to both their parents and the school and had a fantastic time away. 

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  • Folly Farm day 2

    Published 11/06/24

    This was our view last night as we went up onto the hill to play some games, an excellent way to get the children tired for bedtime!

    Everyone slept well and was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready for their second day. Today was all about filming, scripting, editing and narrating a wildlife film. The children have been working in groups to put their films together, using their knowledge of the habitats of Folly Farm to decide what creatures to make the main stars of their productions. 
    Tonight will be Film Night where everyone will get to see all their hard work come together.  

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  • A commotion in the cloakroom.

    Published 10/06/24
    Reception arrived at school this morning to find a big mess in the cloakroom and some very mysterious footprints!  The children decided that there could be a dinosaur on the loose!  They decided to make posters to go around school to r
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  • Folly Farm Day 1

    Published 10/06/24

    Y4 have had a fantastic first day at Folly Farm. We have been up into the woodland, exploring the habitat on the hunt for mini-beasts. The children used reference materials to identify their finds, sharing key facts with the rest of the group. The weather was glorious, so we sat on the hillside to enjoy our lunch. 
    Next stop was the Folly Farm pond, home to a myriad of creatures. The children had great fun pond dipping, finding all sorts of animals and again, using reference materials to identify them. They even found baby great crested newts and adult palmate newts!

    The day isn't over yet and this evening we are off badger watching. Hopefully, we can all be very quiet and the badgers decide to come out to play!

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  • Bye-bye butterflies.

    Published 06/06/24

    Our butterflies hatched!

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  • Outdoor Makeover

    Published 06/06/24

    Transformation of our Early Years' Outdoor Area.

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  • House Cross Country.

    Published 25/05/24
    There were some fantastic performances in our House Cross Country on Friday afternoon. The sun shone and the rain stayed away for a great afternoon of competition. Running in year groups the children demonstrated our Abberley values of courage and&nb
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  • Celebration Assembly 24th May

    Published 24/05/24

    Today we celebrated pupils who have demonstrated our Abberley values, pupils who have been awarded a headteachers award, pupils who have reached their reading target and pupils who have been selected by the lunchtime staff for being amazing 'happy lunchtime ambassadors.' Well done everyone. 

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  • Year 6 Environment Mornings

    Published 24/05/24

    Y6 have had a brilliant week of environment mornings where they have been working hard to make our school look fantastic. This week, the children have painted our fences and hand rails, swept and cleaned our ramp and playground area, weeded the school grounds, topped our flower beds with bark and pruned our tree into 'Yoda'.  They showed great collaboration, resilience, determination and have learnt a great deal of new gardening skills. They ended the week with hot chocolate and their brand new leavers hoodies!

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  • Run in the sun.

    Published 10/05/24

    Key Stage 2 children participate in The Chantry Cluster cross country races.

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  • Celebration Assembly 10th May

    Published 10/05/24
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  • Tiny Olympics

    Published 01/05/24

    Reception attend Sports Festival at The Chantry.

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