The Lion Dance with Merlins and Kestrels
Watch as Merlins and Kestrels celebrate Chinese New Year with the Lion Dance!
Read more information about the wonderful enrichment opportunities at Abberley.
Watch as Merlins and Kestrels celebrate Chinese New Year with the Lion Dance!
The Safety Values Group led our school assembly on Tuesday to share information about keeping safe online. February 9th 2023 is 'Safer Internet Day' and is celebrated nationally.
In Kingfishers this week the children have been battling it out with times tables.
Reception go on a shape hunt.
A brilliant collection of videos showcasing Kestrels performing Jabberwocky or their own nonsense poem.
Kestrels were putting all the fraction knowledge and understanding they have gained over the past few weeks to good use today. They were investigating the theft of some felt tipped pens and working to uncover the culprit! This involved some excellent discussions as well as them honing their problem-solving skills.
The focus in dance for Y5&6 has moved on to rock 'n' roll. The children had great fun learning the hand jive. They then used this along with adding some kicks and flicks to put together some fab routines.
A fantastic audiobook written and read by Merlins class.
Celebration Assembly 27th January
This week, Years 1&2 have been learning how to work well with a partner and to celebrate achievement with their partner.
Great cookery skills from Reception.
At Abberley, we've never finished learning. During our training meeting yesterday, Miss Harvey shared strategies on spaced retrieval.