Inside outside gets a new floor
Our inside outside lodge is well used throughout the year.
Read more information about the wonderful enrichment opportunities at Abberley.
Our inside outside lodge is well used throughout the year.
The children sang with great passion and enjoyed sharing the Christmas spirit of giving and gratitude with family and friends.
To round up their Art Topic of Typography, Merlins turned their hand to a Typography Topography Challenge. They had to design a map for their very own island.
Everyone was full of excitement as we had special visitors from the North Pole.
Wrens ensure their Christmas letters are safely on the way to Father Christmas.
Our school community came together in a incredible Christmas Fair, full of fun, food and festivities.
Wrens Class enjoy hot chocolate and toast.
Key Stage 1 participate in Cluster Football Tournament.
The Abberley tree is complete
Our whole school pantomime trip to see Cinderella was a great success.
Lots of focus went into designing and perfecting our tree decorations in today's lunchtime Christmas craft club.
The whole school enjoyed learning about and celebrating Hanukkah in today's collective worship.