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Read more information about the wonderful enrichment opportunities at Abberley.

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  • Y6 Tricks and Flics

    Published 13/03/24

    Y6 had a fantastic afternoon at Flics Gymnastics. They joined together with Astley school to experience all the different equipment on offer. It was great to see the children using the skills learnt in PE with Miss Harvey and be able to extend these further.

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  • Year 3 Residential Day 2

    Published 12/03/24

    After a good night's sleep, we set off for day 2 of our adventure. Today we have been caving, climbing, challenge course, high ropes, archery and tonight we all enjoyed a relaxing movie night. We have seen pupils demonstrating courage and taking one more step outside their comfort zone. Pupils showing excellent team work and encouragement to their friends. And most of all, we are all having a super fun time. 

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  • Year 3 Residential Day 1

    Published 11/03/24

    What an exciting first day of activities. So far some pupils have been caving while another group has enjoyed jumping on the inflatables. We were all extremely brave when we zoomed down the zip wire and abseiled down the tower. Tonight we sang songs around the camp fire and were introduced to the famous banana eating challenge. 
    Time for bed, ready to re-energise for tomorrow. Goodnight. 

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  • Super Stop Motion!

    Published 11/03/24

    Year 5 and 6 have had a fantastically creative afternoon, where they have been creating stop-motion movies with an alien invasion theme! They have worked so hard and they should all feel immensely proud of what they have achieved. Please enjoy watching some of the final edits.

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  • Tinga Tinga art.

    Published 07/03/24
    Reception have been learning about Tinga Tinga art which Mrs Postlethwaite.  Tinga Tinga is an art style that originated in West Africa and is named after the artist Edward Tingatinga. The art style depicts African wildlife using bright contrast
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  • High 5 Netball

    Published 07/03/24

    Abberley secure 3rd place in The Chantry Cluster Tournament.

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  • World Book Day 2024 cont.

    Published 07/03/24

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  • World Book Day 2024

    Published 07/03/24

    The school was full of different characters today and our headteacher seems to have changed slightly! The children are spending the day taking part in lots of different activities, including a treasure hunt,  a minibeast hunt as well as designing new Roald Dahl characters and new chocolate adverts. 

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  • Dead or alive?

    Published 06/03/24

    In science today, Y5/6 were learning about microorganisms. We discussed if they were healthy or harmful and came up with a list for both categories. We reminded ourselves about the 7 life processes all living things do and focussed on respiration. The children then set up an investigation into whether yeast was a living microorganism using this knowledge. 

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  • Rainbow record breakers.

    Published 01/03/24
    We are extremely proud of Reception this week as the whole class completed their 6 rainbow challenges for the first time. It was lovely to see all the children receiving their rainbow certificates in Collective Worship. A fantastic achievement,
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  • Celebration Assembly

    Published 01/03/24

    Well done to all the pupils who were awarded certificates today for demonstrating our school values and impressing Mrs Shelley and receiving a gold head teacher's sticker. Keep up the excellent learning. 

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  • Hot Choclolate and Toast Week

    Published 01/03/24

    What a wonderful way to spend a wet breaktime, eating toast and drinking hot chocolate! Well done to the CREW values group for organising this whole school event. Not only did the pupils enjoy their treat but they were also able to think how the funds raised will help support homeless people across Worcestershire. 

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