Bye-bye butterflies.
Our butterflies hatched!
Read more information about the wonderful enrichment opportunities at Abberley.
Our butterflies hatched!
Transformation of our Early Years' Outdoor Area.
Today we celebrated pupils who have demonstrated our Abberley values, pupils who have been awarded a headteachers award, pupils who have reached their reading target and pupils who have been selected by the lunchtime staff for being amazing 'happy lunchtime ambassadors.' Well done everyone.
Y6 have had a brilliant week of environment mornings where they have been working hard to make our school look fantastic. This week, the children have painted our fences and hand rails, swept and cleaned our ramp and playground area, weeded the school grounds, topped our flower beds with bark and pruned our tree into 'Yoda'. They showed great collaboration, resilience, determination and have learnt a great deal of new gardening skills. They ended the week with hot chocolate and their brand new leavers hoodies!
Key Stage 2 children participate in The Chantry Cluster cross country races.
Reception attend Sports Festival at The Chantry.
Beech win our first ever House Singing Competition!
A huge well done to our Spring Pupils of the Term. All of these pupils have demonstrated excellent attributes and are super role models to their peers.
We also celebrated the winners of the Red Nose Bake Off and the winners of the chocolate wrapper design.