Wednesday 6th May
English L.O: To make predictions using what has been read so far.Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 24 of 'Pig Heart Boy' on the Learning--> Stories page of the website. This chapter ends with Cam's final attempt at a daredevil dive. He reaches the bottom of the pool but very quickly realises that the surface is very far away and he doesn't think he will make it back to the top. Activity 2: I would like you do use your 'prediction' skills to predict what you think will happen in Chapter 25. Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs depicting what you believe will happen next in the story. You must ensure you write in the style of the author so it must be written from Cam's perspective (1st person) and express all his thoughts and feelings as well as the reactions of his friends and family members including plenty of speech between characters. Share these stories on J2E if you wish! Activity 3: Click the following link to access the BBC Bitesize website. This link will take you to a webpage where you will learn/ recap how using commas, brackets and dashes which will make your writing clear. Watch the learning videos and complete the interactive games/activities. |
MathsYear 5: L.O: To understand percentages.Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson.
Activity 2: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. Activity 3: Check your answers once you are done using the link below. Activity 4 (Extension): Attached below are some 'Year 5 Reasoning and Problem Solving' tasks linked to this topic. Open up the file and select either the Bronze (D), Silver (E) or Gold (GD) page depending on your confidence levels. Complete one page of reasoning and problem solving questions before scrolling to the last page to mark your answers only when you are done. Year 6: L.O: To add and subtract fractionsActivity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. This is a topic we have covered in class but today is an opportunity to consolidate and solidify this existing understanding.
Activity 2: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. Activity 3: Check your answers once you are done using the link below. Activity 4 (Extension): Attached below are some 'Year 5 Reasoning and Problem Solving' tasks linked to this topic. Open up the file and select either the Bronze (D), Silver (E) or Gold (GD) page depending on your confidence levels. Complete one page of reasoning and problem solving questions before scrolling to the last page to mark your answers only when you are done. |
ComputingAs like last week you get to choose what you’d like to do. 1. You can use J2Code and go onto Visual and carry on experimenting using all the skills you have gained over the past few weeks. or 2. You can ask a parent to help you sign up to Scratch. You will need your parent’s permission as you need to register the account (which is free) to an email address. Please do NOT do this without your parent’s permission! Also, please follow the advice telling you NOT to use your real name when you sign up. There are lots of lots of tutorials which will help you get to grips with Scratch. I will show you how to access these. When you log into Scratch, select 'Learn how to make a project in Scratch'. Then select 'Tutorials'. There are so many different tutorials to watch so choose one that grabs you. Then have a play! Remember, you can always start again if something goes wrong. It's all about seeing what you can create and having fun! You can upload any of your Scratch creations to J2e. Just click on J2Code and on the right hand side of the page you will see an ‘Import from Scratch’ button. Please share what you have done with me (je38). |
P.E.At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bear in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same! OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link: Alternative P.E. Ideas
Additional TaskAttempt a Bronze, Silver OR Gold Maths challenge by clicking the links below. Mark your answers only when you are finished. If you finish quickly (less than 5 mins) , attempt the next level for a challenge! |