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Thursday 14th May

English L.O: To write a first person setting description of a Victorian pub.

Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 2 of 'The Stolen Sister' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website

Activity 2: Imagine you are walking into 'The Pig and Whistle' pub: a traditional English pub of the Victorian era owned by Ma and Pa Bigsby with Florrie behind the bar serving customers.

Your task is to to describe your surroundings. I encourage you to use the 5 senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting) to describe the atmosphere clearly to the reader. Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Use the picture below of a Victorian style pub (likely to look very similar to the 'The Pig and Whistle') to help you imagine what it would be like to walk into a building just like this.

Success Criteria:
  • First person pronouns
  • Expanded Noun Phrases
  • Adverbs 
  • Similes and metaphors
  • Fronted adverbials
  • Show me don't tell me 
  • Ellipsis for suspense
See below for some ideas of what you might see, hear, smell, taste and feel in a place like this:

See: customers, bar staff, tables and chairs lining the bar, chandeliers, high ceilings, bottles, food, pictures, barrels

Hear: Lively chatter, clinking of glass or china plates, slurping, loud chewing, singing, doors swinging and slamming, music

Smell: Food, spilt liquor, cigarette smoke, body odour

Feel: Cold, warm, welcomed, worried, nervous, happy

Taste: Food, drink, smoke in the air

Share your setting descriptions on J2E Bloggy!

Year 5 L.O: To find equivalent fractions.

Activity 1: For today's lesson I would like you to re-watch the video from yesterday on equivalent fractions.



Activity 2: For those of you that feel you could do with a little more practice with the topic of equivalent fractions, I have attached a file titled 'Equivalent Fractions Y5 Fluency' below as well as the answer sheet. This activity requires you to look at what has been done to the numerator or denominator and ensure that what ever you do to one, you do to the other! See below for explanation.

For those of you who feel confident with this topic already, I have attached some 'Y5 Reasoning and Problem Solving' tasks below (answers are at the end of this attachment).

We can see by looking at the problem on the left, that you must multiply 1 x 2 to = 2. Because you have multiplied the numerator x 2, you must always do the same to the denominator (like you can see on the right).





This also works in reverse when dividing to find the missing value. On the right you can see that you must do 2 divided by 2 to get 1 so you must divide 8 by 2 to find the missing value.The key rule to remember is 'what ever has been done to the numerator must be done to the denominator' and vice versa.

Year 6: L.O: To divide fractions by integers.

Activity 1: For today's lesson I would like you to re-watch the video from yesterday on dividing fractions by integers.



Activity 2: For those of you that feel you could do with a little more practice with this topic, I have attached a file titled 'Dividing Fractions by Integers Y6 Fluency' below as well as the answer sheet. This activity provides an opportunity to practise the method of flipping the second fraction (after you have put it over 1) and multiplying the fractions together.

For those of you who feel confident with this topic already, I have attached some 'Y6 Reasoning and Problem Solving' tasks below (answers are at the end of this attachment).

Geography L.O: To locate the world's most well-known volcanos.

Today you are going to explore the locations of the world's most well-known volcanos. Below is a file titled 'The World's Volcanos'. On this activity sheet, you have a blank map of the world along with names of the following volcanos:

Activity 1: Open up the file 'The World's Volcanos'. 

Activity 2: Research where in the world each of these volcanos is located and try to find its corresponding location on your map. Write the name of the volcano in the correct box which should have an arrow to its correct geographical location (I have linked to a world map with labelled countries below to help you). The answers are also attached to check your labelling after you have completed Activity 2 and 3.

Activity 3: Whilst or after you have labelled the volcanos, under the name of each volcano, write down the country(s) that it is located in. (I have linked to a world map with labelled countries below to help you)

Challenge: Can you find out about a famous eruption of one of these volcanos? Can you write a paragraph or 2 about it? Think about the 5 Ws (Where did it happen? When did it happen? What happened (how devastating was it)? Who was affected? Why did it erupt?)

  • Krakatoa
  • Mount St Helens
  • Cotopaxi
  • Mount Vesuvius
  • Mount Pele
  • Eyjafjallajokull
  • Mount Fuji
  • Mayon
  • Mauna Loa
  • Mount Tambora
  • Mount Etna 
  • Mount Ruiz


World Map

How to share your work with only me on J2E!





At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bear in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same!

OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link:   Alternative P.E. Ideas