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Thursday 21st May

English: LO: Practice and learn spellings 

On j2e, you will find a spelling list that has been shared with you from either Myself (Miss Hughes) or Mrs Gregory. Practice these spellings and have a go on j2blast :-). You need to look in the 'shared files' section of j2e for your spelling sheets. 


Rob Biddulph has set up an attempt at a Guinness World Record for the largest online art lesson EVER! Wouldn't it be cool to be part of that! At 4pm today, click the link below to take part in the lesson. I definitely will be! Share your art on j2e so we can add it to our school online gallery.  




Miss Hughes’ group – L.O. To reason and problem solve involving subtracting fractions

You will be using your understanding of subtracting fractions to solve reasoning and problem solving questions. You might need to cast your mind back to the work you’ve done on equivalent fractions to help you as well. Remember you can watch the video from yesterday again if you need to.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.




Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group – L.O. To reason and problem solve involving writing simple fractions as decimals

Today you will be using what you learned yesterday about writing fractions as decimals to solve reasoning and problem solving questions. If asked, please explain your answers fully, not simply a yes or no! Remember you can watch the video from yesterday again if you need to.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.



Computing: L.O. To create a simple animation

I am sure you’ve all seen an animated film (Shrek, The Incredibles, etc.) and maybe wondered how they make these. You are going to use JIT5 to create your own simple animations! As always with computing, it’s all about trying different things and seeing what you can create. If it goes wrong, just start again 😊

The attached sheet will give you all of your instructions.

Please remember you can share any of your work with me (je38).