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Tuesday 9th June

English: LO: Using apostrophes to combine words.

Yesterday, you learnt/revised how to use apostrophes for possession or showing that something belongs to or is linked to something or someone. Today, we're using apostrophes to combine two words- these are known as 'apostrophes for contractions'. 

Sometimes we contract words to make them easier to say or write. This means that we combine them together and make them smaller. 

For example: She will = she'll 

Click this link to work your way through the BBC Bitesize lesson on apostrophes for contraction.


TTRS Battle of the Bands

Well done to Kingfishers 2 for winning this week! The placings for each team were:

Kingfishers 1 - 1st Charlie, 2nd Thomas S & 3rd Lizzie

Kingfishers 2 - 1st Ava, 2nd Seb W & 3rd James


Miss Hughes’ group – L.O. To reason and problem solve subtracting money

In today’s lesson you are going to use your knowledge about subtracting money and use it to answer reasoning and problem solving questions. Remember to explain your answers clearly when asked.

You can watch the video from yesterday to remind you of the different ways you can find the perimeter. Then choose either Bronze, Silver or Gold reasoning and problem solving activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.



Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group – L.O. To reason and problem solve finding the perimeter of simple shapes

This lesson requires you to take your learning from yesterday and use it to solve reasoning and problem solving questions.

You can watch the video from yesterday to remind you of the different ways you can find the perimeter. Then choose either Bronze, Silver or Gold reasoning and problem solving activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.




Science: To research a question about the body. 

Our bodies are strong and clever, yet strange and sometimes smelly. 

Below there are a list of questions that I would like to know more about. You need to choose ONE question to find out more about and present what you find however you like: pictures/diagrams, videos, writing, powerpoints, a model, baking? Share your research and findings with me (MissHughes) on j2e. Good Luck! 

Q1. Why do we trump?

Q2. How is our poo made? 

Q3. Where do the vitamins in our food go?

Q4. What happens in our tummies to make us sick?

Q5. How do our teeth know when to fall out?

Q6. What do dentists use to fill cavities in our teeth?

Q7. Why does some food travel through our digestive system more easily?

Here are a few videos that could help you on a couple of the questions.