Thursday 18th June
Spelling: Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite's English group
Please ask someone at home to test you on last week's spellings. You will find your new spellings in your files on J2e. You can also practise your spellings on J2Blast. Check which ones have been shared with you to make sure you are selecting the correct ones!
Miss Hughes’ group: L.O. To solve the maths mystery
Today you will be solving the Mystery at the Little Hallow Carnival. Someone has released all of the balloons which were being kept safely in a net ready for competition later in the day. Who would do such a dastardly thing? It’s your job to eliminate the suspects and find the culprit by solving the clues. Good luck!
* I have just found out that because of the way I cropped the pages, the lines don't match the measurements on Clue 1! You get some help here as the answer to Clue 1 is 'The culprit owned a dog'.
The joys of the snipping tool!! Sorry about that :)
Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group: L.O. To complete addition and subtraction consolidation work
Today’s task is covering your addition and subtraction work. You will be answering questions involving adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers where you will need to exchange and adding and subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. Read the questions carefully and remember, with subtraction you always go top to bottom!
PSHE: Help them feel at home
The animated poem you are about to watch is called ‘Help Them Feel At Home’, it tells the story of a young refugee named Sana and a toy dinosaur named Dino and their difficult journey to find safety in the UK.
Once you have watched the video- click the tab at the bottom of the page and choose ONE of the activities to complete.
Computing: L.O. To create a simple branching database
A database is a computerised system that makes it easy to search, select and store information. Databases are used in many different places. You are going to be producing a branching database.
Task 1
Load the template below and click play. Work through the whole branching database and see how the animals are sorted by the computer. As each question comes up, you will see the animals that fit the criteria are automatically sorted on the left of the screen.
What do all the questions have in common? They all have a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.
Example of a branching database
Task 2
On J2data, selecting ‘Branch’. You are going to make your own branching database by choosing 6 animals to place in the box. You then have to write questions about the animals, with a yes or no answer, e.g. Does it have wings? Then drag the animals into the yes or no boxes. Keep going until all your animals are sorted.
You can create a database in advance mode, selecting more unusual animals from the internet and adding a name and description of each animal.