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Monday 15th June



For the more observant Skylarks, please note the Year 1 children do not sit on their chairs on the desks (when I remark that the classroom is a little different and strange at the moment) the classroom was in the process of being cleaned when I was filming! 

Emile you are in Team 1 - I found your piece of paper after filming so to make the teams even I have placed you in team 1. 

Spellings: How did you all do with your spelling test on Friday? Here are this week's spellings to learn.

Common Exception Words 


Practise writing out your spellings by looking, covering, writing and then checking. 

English: Last week when I was in school Monty decided to play hide and seek. I have taken photographs of Monty hiding around our school. Have a careful look at the pictures and see if you can work out where he is hiding. 








For English today I would like you to write some descriptive sentences explaining where Monty is hiding.  I have uploaded the pictures below if you would like to cut out the pictures or you might like to do your own illustrations. Try and challenge yourself and see which level of sentences you can write. For an extra challenge can you include any of your previous spelling words in your descriptive sentences? 

Bronze sentences -  Use expand noun phrases to add description and detail.

Silver - Use expand noun phrases and subordination (using when, if, that, or because) or co-ordination (using or, and, or but) to add description and detail. 

Gold - Use expand noun phrasessubordination or co-ordination and an adverb to add description and detail. 

Maths: Monday means TT Rockstars Tournament and completing the next session in your mental maths book. Monty has selected the new teams so make sure you all try your very best for your new team. Challenge runs from 10am - 3pm.

Team 1 - Emile, Georgia, Tilly, Jagger, Isaac, Quinn, George, Harrison, William and Henry.

Team 2 - Olivia, Katie, Rosie, Jessie- Mai, Jack L, Jack E, Niamh, Arthur, Eloise and Oliver. 

To continue practising your multiplication and division can you complete these sections today ...

Book 4 - Section 3  Session 3 & 4   Multiplication and Division

Book 5 - Section 3 Session 5 & 6  Multiplication Facts for 2s, 5s and 10s

Book 6 - Section 2  Session 1, 2 & 3  Multiplication Facts for 5s