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Wednesday 15th July

English: To show understanding of a poem by learning parts off by heart.

Today's lesson is all about memorising parts of a poem. Take a look at the link below to find out the best tips on how to do this. 

Link to today's English lesson



Miss Hughes’ group: L.O. To complete consolidation work on shape

Today’s task is covering our work on shape. You are going to be answering questions on turns and angles, right angles in shapes, comparing angles, horizontal and vertical, parallel and perpendicular, recognising and describing 2D and 3D shapes and making 3D shapes.


Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group: L.O. To complete consolidation work on shape

Today’s task is covering our work on shape. You will be answering questions on identifying angles, comparing and ordering angles, triangles, quadrilaterals and lines of symmetry. Try and remember the difference between acute and obtuse angles!


Music: Learn about what happens in our bodies when we sing, and why it makes us feel good. 

Singing is something that we enjoy doing at school during collective worship and we even sometimes have a sing-song to George Ezra during tidy-up time. Click the link below to find some activities and a song to learn to make you smile :-) 

Link to sing :-)