Day 2
L.O.: To convert between hours, minutes and seconds
Today you are continuing with your work converting hours, minutes and seconds but we are focussing on reasoning and problem solving. I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for you to try. Remember, you don’t need to do all of the sheets. Do the one you are most confident with and then challenge yourself to try the next level.
Click on the link below to watch yesterday’s lesson again, should you need to.
LO: To compose a setting description
The video below is all about a group of meerkats who are worried by a vulture trying to steal their beloved fruit.
Watch the video and make notes of some of the things you notice about the SETTING. Write a setting description (about 3 paragraphs) all about the setting of the video.
What do you see? What could you smell?... use your 5 senses to help you imagine the place the video is set- the beautiful African plains.