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Day 4


Click the link below to access today's lesson on practising key reading skills

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of musician and TV presenter Yolanda Brown reading extracts from the book
  • three activities



Year 6: L.O: To problem solve with a range of mathematical problems.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson.



Activity 2: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. 

Activity Book

Activity 3: Check your answers once you are done using the link below.

Activity Book Answers


  1. Have a go at writing what the word forgiveness means to you.
  2. Answer the following questions:

    3. Carefully read the following information on Desmond Tutu.


  • Imagine that a charity which works to promote peace and forgiveness around the world has asked you to create a symbol for forgiveness.
  • How can you incorporate the key ideas associated with forgiveness into one image?

  • Can you make sure that the symbol you come up with draws upon core beliefs about forgiveness shared by different religions and by people with no religion?