Day 2
English Click the link below to access Lesson 2 which is a reading activity linked to 'The Firework Makers Daughter' by Phillip Pullman. Today, you will be answering questions on the text, orally and in written form.
Maths Year 6: L.O: To add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. This is a topic we have covered in class but today is an opportunity to consolidate and solidify this existing understanding.
Activity 2: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. Activity 3: Check your answers once you are done using the link below. |
Geography Today you will learn about the geography of the Arctic and Antarctica. Click on the link below to access the learning. |