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Pupils at our school relish the opportunity to explore a wide range of artists and styles. Our planning cycles ensure children experience a broad and diverse range of artists and skills. Creativity is valued and celebrated in school. We recognise that art is about having the confidence to express yourself, and the subject is an important vehicle to express feelings, thoughts and experiences. Most elements of our curriculum are taught directly through our art lessons. However, we also integrate artistic themes and opportunities throughout all aspects of our curriculum and school life, such as creating props for our end of year show or sketching in our science lessons. Furthermore, our pupils are fully involved in projects in school through our values groups, such as when our CREW group created and painted our school vision display and our reading leaders designed the layout of our library furnishings and the creation of our themes through paintings on the library walls. All of these make art a valued and important part of our culture in school.








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Click on links below to see more examples of our wonderful art curriculum.