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RE & Collective Worship

Through RE, we seek to provide pupils with opportunities to look beyond themselves, ask ‘big questions’ and think globally about life and develop a deeper and richer understanding of the world and its people. We intend for them to gain, through our programmes of study, an appreciation of and respect for diversity; diversity of belief, thinking, culture and heritage. Our RE curriculum seeks to equip our pupils with a systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and beliefs. As a church school, we seek to enable pupils to gain a deep understanding of Christianity as a living world faith and how it links with the culture, tradition and values of our country. 

The content of our RE curriculum is based on the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus 2020 – 2025 and Understanding Christianity. The curriculum is taught on a 2-year rolling programme and each half-term has an allocated theme or enquiry question.  The curriculum is spiral in nature with key concepts being revisited throughout each child’s time at school to allow the children to increase their depth and breath of understanding.   Our curriculum is enhanced by visits to St Marys Church in Abberley and other local places of worship.