It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. They have all come in, keen and eager to learn which is fantastic. They have settled into Kestrels class extremely well and I am excited about the year ahead.
Homework: The children will have 15 minutes of TTRS each week. This is set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday morning.
They will also bring their mental arithmetic books home on a Friday and these should be back in school by the following Wednesday.
The children will be set spellings on a Friday. There are spelling games they can play to support their learning on EdShed. They will be tested the following Friday.
They are expected to read at least four times a week. Please ask your child about their new reading record books and how we have changed how they record their reading.
All of your child's log in details are in the back of their reading record books.
PE: Kestrels will have outdoor PE (football) on Wednesdays. They may need some warmer clothes as the weather gets colder. We will be on the field so will need outdoor trainers that you don't mind if they get muddy! They will have indoor PE (yoga) on Thursdays.