In English at the beginning of the week, the children put together their newly acquired skills to create a missing poster for Varjak Paw. They used possessive apostrophes, expanded noun phrases and a variety of prefixes to describe Varjak's appearance and where he was last seen. They wrote drafts and then designed beautiful and eye-catching posters which will be on display.
At the end of the week the children began to explore and highlight key features of a non-chronological report. They looked at a variety of animal fact files and highlighted features such as the title, subheadings, paragraphs and technical language. This will build into the children writing their own non-chronological report in the weeks to come.
In maths, Y3 have been comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000. The children have been using a place value grid to make sure that the value of each digit is clear and then using inequality signs to show their answers. Y4 have been revisiting their learning about rounding numbers to 10 and we have extended this to rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000.
In science, the children learned about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. They used their computing skills to research how each of these rocks are formed and to find different examples of each type.
In PSHE, we talked about community and the different roles that people play in the children's lives. The children worked in groups to discuss how these roles helped them in school.
In geography, we looked at the human features of Antarctica, focussing on who visits and lives there as well as looking at how people adapt to life in a polar climate.