In English this week, the children have been learning how to use subordinating conjunctions to extend their sentences. The children wrote two sentences about a subject, for example 'The boy climbed the tree' and 'The kite was stuck'. They then chose a subordinating conjunction to join these together 'The boy climbed the tree because the kite was stuck'. The list of subordinating conjunctions includes words such as if, since, as, when, although, while, after, before, until, because. Later in the week, the children practised using adverbs of frequency. These are words such as frequently, rarely, usually and sometimes. The children added them into factual sentences such as 'lions usually live in prides', 'penguins never learn to fly'. We continue to read our class book Varjak Paw.
In maths, Y3 have been finding 1, 10 and 100 more and less than given numbers, using their place value knowledge to help them. This is quite straightforward until the numbers require the children to cross a boundary, e.g. subtracting 10 from 306, where they have to go back over to a previous hundred. We discussed how they could do this to reinforce this process.
Y4 children have been finding 1, 10,100 and 1000 more and less than given numbers, using their place value knowledge to help them. They faced the same issue of crossing a boundary. We moved on to formal addition towards the end of the week. Our focus to begin with was setting out the questions correctly as ensuring that place value columns are aligned correctly is essential as we move on to more complex calculations.
In geography, we continued with our topic of 'Who lives in Antarctica?'. The children learned about who Ernest Shackleton was and the expedition he carried out. They also used four-figure grid references to plot a route.
In PSHE, we looked at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We looked at two of the articles in more depth using a spot the difference activity. The children gave their opinions on which picture they would rather be part of and explained what they felt was unfair in either picture.
In music this week, we listened to the Flight of the Bumblebee. We looked at how to explore pitch using graphic and western notation. Using the notes C, D, E, F and G, we created short melodic phrases.