This week in English, we have revisited the features of instructions. The children had great fun creating their own potion recipes, using adverbials to sequence the ingredients in a clear and logical order. We also explored different types of sentences and used these to plan detailed and varied instructions, ensuring that they were clear and precise.
In maths, we’ve continued to work on addition and building our confidence with adding more. The children have also been practising doubles and we’ve used these to identify near doubles. Any practising of doubles at home would help hugely.
In computing, we focused on online safety, reviewing the key rules for staying safe online. The children created informative posters featuring 'Sid’s Top Tips', which help to reinforce the important rules for staying safe.
In science, we’ve been exploring seasonal changes and this week our focus was on summer. We discussed the various ways to stay safe in the sun with children highlighting the importance of wearing a hat, using sunscreen and drinking plenty of water to keep cool and protected during the warmer months.
In history, we’re learning about changes in toys through the years. The children are really excited by this topic. This week, we had a selection of both old and new toys for the children to explore. They were able to identify the differences between them and had fun figuring out which toys were old and which were new and how to play with them.
Next week, your child will need to bring a current toy from home for our lesson on Wednesday. Please ensure the toy is clearly labelled with their name and placed in a bag. Please ensure that the toy is not something that could easily break or is of significant value.
Outdoor learning clothes will need to be in on a Tuesday this half term. PE is still on Thursday and Friday.