This week in English, the children have continued to work on tasks linked to our story 'Charlotte's Web'. The children learnt all about 'fronted adverbials' and how to use and recognise them in writing. We focused on using fronted adverbials of place and manner and practised using the correct punctuation within the sentences. Fronted adverbials come at the beginning of sentences to tell the reader more about the following part of the sentence, for example, instead of 'Wilbur woke up feeling hungry.' we would see 'Every morning, Wilbur woke up feeling hungry.' This fronted adverbial gives us more information about how often this happens and makes writing more interesting.
At the end of the week, the children continued with their work on formal and informal speech and writing. This week we wrote short formal letters linked to traditional tales. The children included some fantastic vocabulary choices and made their opinions and feelings very clear! They will use these skills in the next few weeks to write letters linked to Charlotte's Web.
In music, we have started our new project 'Dinosuars'. Using drums and maracas, we explored dynamics and how to play the instruments loudly or quietly. We looked at graphic notation and how it shows which dynamic to use when performing.
In maths this week, both Y3 and Y4 have been focussing on times tables. Y3 have been recapping their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and Y4 have been working on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables. Having a secure and solid understanding of times tables and division facts helps the children in so many areas of maths. It is so important that they complete their TTRS homework to support their learning.
In science, the children came to the end of our Rocks topic and learned about how fossils are formed. We went through the process and the children were able to create a comic strip to show each step.
In PE, we started our gymnastics sessions. The children were able to use their prior learning to explain the importance of stretching and warming up at the start of each lesson. It was lovely to see the children using some of the poses they learned in yoga last half-term as warm up stretches and be able to explain which muscles they were using.
In computing, we have been learning how to send emails and the importance of writing kind words. We had great fun sending and receiving emails from our friends.