In Skylarks this week, the children have started to explore and read our new class book, ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. We started off by looking at the front cover and made predictions about what the story might be about by using the illustrations and titles. The children then rewrote the story using time connectives at the beginning of sentences. We looked at examples of speech between the characters and learnt how to use inverted commas (speech marks) in our own writing.
In maths our new topic is shape. The children have worked hard at getting to know the names of 2D and 3D shapes. They have looked at the properties of shape and how many faces, edges and vertices 3D shapes have.
In RE, we read the parable of the ‘Lost Son’ and the children discussed together what the ‘hidden’ message of the parable was. They drew pictures of the story and the important parts which resonated with them.
In Art, our new focus is watercolour. We began the lesson by being given the freedom to explore watercolour paints to see what they can ‘do’ on paper. After this, we looked in detail at the artist Paul Klee, who uses watercolour in many ways to create very imaginative art.
In PSHE, we all made special treasure boxes so we can store any targets/goals we might achieve between now and February half term. Ask your child what targets they would like to set and once they complete it to write or draw their achievement which can be stored in their unique treasure box.
In Geography, we looked at different modes of transport and in particular the different types of transport using the busy road in Abberley. We used our field skills to collect data about the different modes of transport and then used the computer to create a graph.
Today, Year 2 pupils came home with their new spellings to learn. Please remember to help them learn these spelling rules. All pupils are able to log into EdShed to play educational games. If you are unsure how to do this then please come and ask.