In English, the children have continued work on 'The Tear Thief'. They have worked hard to plan a setting description of the street where the Tear Thief is. The Tear Thief goes into different houses and steals the tears of crying children- this makes them feel much better. The children have been using fantastic descriptive language to describe to the reader just what they can see, smell, hear and feel in the street. They are working on writing these up neatly so that their great writing can be displayed in the classroom.
In maths, money is still the focus. The children have been consolidating knowing the value of different coins and being able to count up money. The focus this week has been on choosing the correct amount of money and knowing there are different ways to make amounts- e.g. £6 can be made by a £5 note and £1 coin or 6, £1s etc. The more children can practise counting money at home the better. The children have started to investigate how repeated addition can be written as a multiplication sentence e.g. 3+3=6 so 2x3=6
In RE, the Year 1s and 2s have learnt all about why Christian choose to sing to or about God. We learnt a very popular worship song 'He's got the whole world in his hand' and discussed why Christians added in elements such as 'wind and rain', 'moon and stars'. The children then chose other things around the world that Christians may want to include in future hymns.
In art, our artist focus has been Eric Carle (writer and illustrator of the Very Hungry Caterpillar). He uses collage to create his illustrations and in art this week, the children have created collage of minibeasts using newspaper.
In PE, the children worked with a partner to adapt the class pirate dance so it included different levels, speed or pathways. The pairs then performed their dances and gave each other feedback about their performances.
In PSHE, children designed and made their butterfly ready for the whole school display to help celebrate 'Children's Mental Health Week'. The theme this year is 'Let's Connect' and encourages children to connect with each other and realise how we can all thrive when we work together.
In science, the children explored man-made and natural materials and sorted them into these groups. They went on a hunt around the school grounds to see what man-made materials they could find.