Happy Half Term Skylarks. It was lovely to speak with so many parents this week and hopefully you enjoyed looking at the marvellous work your children have completed. All Skylarks have made progress in their learning, and we look forward to seeing this flourish further next term after a well-earned break from school.
This week we have been busy editing and writing our set of instructions about how to make the world's most delicious hot chocolate. We enjoyed making and drinking some, just so we know exactly how to make one!
In maths, we have been using our investigative skills to solve problems involving money and investigating all the different possible arrays we could make which total 24.
In science, we learnt some new vocabulary (rigid, transparent, opaque, flexible, waterproof) and then made houses, like the three little pigs, to investigate which house was the most rigid and waterproof, and what materials were the most transparent for the windows.
In art, we continued to work in the same style as Eric Carle and create larger pieces of artwork which resembled the illustrations from the book the hungry caterpillar. We painted sheets of paper with different colours and textures and then used them to make animal collages.
In PSHE, we discussed the different challenges we set for ourselves this half term and if we have achieved them. It was lovely to hear how many of the Skylarks are working hard on the school challenge to raise £20.23 and all the different ways pupils are achieving this.
This week there are no spellings for the year 2's. Enjoy your holiday.