It has been lovely to see all the children back in school after our disrupted week last week. We loved seeing the photographs of them enjoying the snow.
In English, Year 1 thought carefully about different adjectives they could use in their writing to describe the snow and the fun they had sledging and building snowmen. This week we have been undertaking a review of our writing and all the children were amazed and proud of how much progress they have made when we looked back at their first piece of writing. We then discussed what we needed to do next to make our writing even better and all the children were given personal targets to work on.
Meanwhile, Reception have been working hard in phonics to read and write words with more than 1 digraph/trigraph. They have approached this with confidence and remembered to use the strategies they have learnt such as chunking to help them read longer words. We have also enjoyed discussing and learning some new vocabulary along the way.
In maths, Year 1 have started to explore numbers up to 50 and have discovered the importance of writing tens and ones accurately to ensure our numbers are correct. We have enjoyed some practical lessons using mathematical apparatus to represent 2-digit numbers. Reception have been learning about pairs (both numbers and objects). Maybe they can put their skills to the test and help in making pairs of shoes or socks at home!
In Topic, we learnt about the female aviator Amelia Earhart. We became history detectives looking at photographs of Amelia and the planes she flew. They had to wear very warm clothes, flying hats and googles because the planes were open topped!
We have also been busy making some cards and gifts for a special day on Sunday. We talked about how we all have people in our lives who love and care for us so it is nice to have a special day to celebrate them.