In English, we have started a new book based on The Great Fire of London, it follows a flea and a rat (Vlad and Boxton) on their journey through tackling the fire. On Monday, the children wrote questions to Vlad the flea all about his experiences with Boxton. The children used important question words such as 'who?', 'why?', 'when?', 'how?' etc to create questions and Miss Hughes magically changed into Vlad to answer the questions from his point of view. Boxton the rat doesn't talk, so we decided to think of questions and then how he would possibly answer if he could. It turns out he does not like being bitten by the naughty flea!
In maths, the children have been ordering lengths and heights, looking at converting 'm and cm' into just 'cm' to make comparisons to how long or tall something is. The children have also been problem solving with different questions to decipher what object is the longest or shortest from a list of clues. This took a lot more thinking! Today, the children learnt to solve division calculations by either 'sharing' or 'how many?' eg 8 divided by 2 = 8 shared equally between 2 groups or asking 'how many 2s make 8?'
In history this week, the year 1s and 2s have explored what Stuart London would have looked like, specifically at how the buildings looked and were built. They created some fantastic art work to go on display alongside some key words and phrases of things they have learnt on their Great Fire of London journey.
In PSHE, the children learnt how medicine can help us feel better, when we are feeling ill but also how important it is to use them safely. The children enjoyed role playing being ill and what they could do to make themselves feel better.
Don't forget to get creative and make an Easter bonnet/hat ready for the Easter parade next Thursday.