Welcome back for the Summer Term. This week in the newsletter we thought we would outline the learning for this ½ term.
English: As you know, the Year 2 children will be completing their SATs assessments in May. We will be spending lots of time going over key skills that the children have already learnt so that they are fresh in their brains. Our new book, (which we will be practising lots of these skills whilst reading) is 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. The children will be writing sets of instructions and using imperative (bossy) verbs to explain how to wash a pet that might be a little more difficult. During the second part of the term, our focus will be on a different book (we always like to keep them a secret!) and the writing will be based on recounts and being descriptive.
Maths: With Miss Hughes on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday our focus is mass, capacity and temperature. We will be moving through each of these areas learning about units of measurement, reading scales and lots of practical activities. On a Thursday and Friday, the focus will be on fractions and telling the time. We will be learning how to find fractions of a given quantity and shapes. Hopefully, we will all be able to read a clock using o'clock, ½ past, ¼ past and ¼ to language. Some children will be able to read the clock using 5-minute intervals. Start looking at a clock face at home and looking at the position of the hands.
RE: The focus for year 1 & 2 is 'What does it mean to belong to a faith community?'. This question comes from the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE and we will be learning all about what is means to be part of a community.
DT: The children will be aiming towards building freestanding structures. These will be made from different types of material you find around the school such as cardboard, pipe cleaners, plasticine and straws to name a few.
PSHE: The puzzle this term is relationships. We will be exploring how all family units are different and how we can have successful relationships with friends, family, school and community.
Science: Our theme is plant life. We are going to be learning the different parts of a plant. We will be growing different plants from seeds, bulbs and investigating what they need to grow healthy, how seeds germinate and what part of plants are edible.
Geography: Passport to the World: We will be looking at more distant places and examining hot and cold places on Earth. We will be learning about China as an example of a distant locality and looking at the impact of its huge population and vast landmass.