In English, the children have written some fantastic instructions on how to wash a variety of animals (some of which would be incredibly tricky to wash!). These have included some great imperative verbs and lots of children stretched themselves to include different types of clauses. As the week continued, we have looked closely at the structure of 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' and are going to be writing our very own story that is closely aligned with how our class book is set out. We wrote a plan together for a story called 'How to Wash a Hooty Owl'.
In maths, the children have learnt to measure mass in grams (g) and kilograms (kg). We know that 1000g make 1kg and have all held a kg in our hands to see how heavy that really is and how light a gram must be! The children have begun to look at scales and what numbers appear between two labelled parts of a scale for example 100g-(missing measurement)-200g. The missing would be 150g and we are learning to look at the scale to work out the missing increments. This has been tricky in some cases and we'll practise lots more over the next couple of weeks. The children have also started using their multiplication and division facts to solve fraction problems. We have learned that to find half of a quantity then we can either share the amount between two groups or count in groups of two until we reach the number given. I wonder how you find a third or a quarter of an amount?
In DT, Year 1 & 2 have begun their new topic on 'free standing structures' and our focus this week was bridges. We have spoken all about different bridges we know about, whether they were high or low, long or short and what they were made from. We learned that bridges can go over a lot of different things like rivers, streams, valleys, motorways and railways (including lots more). The children then built their own bridges in teams of 5 between two chairs.
In Year 1&2 RE lessons, the children have thought in detail how important it is to be part of a community and how many people in the UK and around the world might be lonely. The children thought about how it might feel if you don't have anyone to share things with, like experiences, playing or meals. The children filled in a template of themselves with things that made them individual and special and then listed feelings they would have if they were lost. Lots of children were excited to share all of the communities they were part of such as Brownies, Beavers, their neighbours, family and swimming clubs to name a few.
In science, the children explored to find different varieties of plants in our school ground. We discovered that trees, bushes and grass are all plants.
In PSHE, the children were sharing their experiences of what types of 'touching' they like and which types they dislike. We found that lots of children liked to be tickled and nobody liked the feeling of being pushed or hit. We know that we all have the right to say 'please stop, I don't like that' if we don't like the way another person is touching us.
In geography, the children have been learning about food miles. We had fun investigating how far some food travels before it reaches our plates.
Last week we saw some super swimming from all year 1 & 2 pupils. All children entered the water with confidence and we were impressed with how many children had made such excellent progress in their swimming since we last swam in the autumn term.
Remember to get creative and get designing a new King's Crown for our Coronation competition.
Skylarks enjoyed their celebration hot chocolate today after raising the most money for the £20.23 challenge. Thank you Kerry for the delicious hot chocolate.