This week we have been celebrating the King's coronation in Wrens. The children enjoyed playing in our palace themed role play and dressing up in our royal outfits. We also held our own royal tea party activities and made crowns, flags and sparkly bracelets.
We had a wonderful day on Wednesday when Reception visited The Chantry to take part in the Tiny Olympics. The children were a credit to the school and really enjoyed the challenge of trying some new activities. We were very proud of the courage and resilience they showed.
In maths this week, Reception have started to explore numbers beyond 10. We have practised careful counting and ordering numbers to 20 with a focus on thinking of each number as 1 lot of 10 and so many ones.
Year 1 have been continuing their work on repeated addition and multiplication number sentences by looking at arrays. Arrays are where objects are arranged into equal rows and columns. It is amazing how many arrays exist in the real world and we had great fun doing an "array hunt" around school. I have set the children a challenge over the bank holiday weekend of finding and photographing an array at home.
In English, Year 1 have been exploring similes to write descriptions of the giant's kitchen and the giant in Jack and the Bean stalk. We were very impressed with their lovely creative ideas.
This term, Year 1 have been bringing home a list of words that they will be practising in phonics the following week. We will be testing the children on spelling a small random selection of these words on Friday mornings. Please ensure your child practises reading and writing these words in order to support their learning in school. Thank you!