This week we have been very busy in Skylarks!
Year 1 have been working hard with their phonics. They have now all been given their Little Wandle reading book.
Year 2s began the week by making predictions about our new book 'I Love Bugs' by Emma Dodd. We discussed the clues we could use to be able to make sensible guesses, such as the title, illustrations and blurb. They have also been learning about adjectives and how we can use these to help our imaginations. They also worked very hard on their Accelerated Reader quizzes.
In maths, Year 1s have been counting objects from a larger group, recognising numbers as words and counting on from any given number. Year 2s have been learning to recognise tens and ones in a number, use a place value chart and partition numbers to 100. We have also begun our Big Maths which helps the children recap prior learning.
In geography, the children looked at an aerial map. They were able to identify that the map showed Abberley, including our school. They looked closely to spot details such as the goal posts on the field and the painted activities on the front playground. We then went for a walk around to school to hunt for physical features such as trees and human features such as the school building and the adventure playground.
Our focus in art at the moment is sketching and drawing using the natural world as inspiration. The children sketched some natural objects and then had a go at 'feely drawing' where they didn't know what their natural object was but they had to sketch it from just feeling it. We have some very good artists in Skylarks!