Newsletter - 21st June 2024
Our value in Collective Worship at the moment is
A huge thank you to the families who helped clear the wildlife area last weekend in the rain! We achieved lots more than I anticipated given the weather. We are hoping to woodchip the paths before the summer break so children will be able to start using this part of the school grounds.
This week, I was extremely pleased to take two of our pupils to the Worcestershire STEM Finals Challenge to represent Abberley. Quinn and Emile demonstrated excellent communication, teamwork, problem-solving and engineering skills. Even though their design was not selected as the final winning design, they should feel very proud as they had already beaten around 4,000 pupils to gain their position to compete in this final challenge!
Also this week, huge congratulations to the rounders team for being crowned the WINNERS of the Rounders Tournament at The Chantry. A fantastic achievement. Well done Mrs Lightfoot, the lunchtime coaching sessions are working!
Years 5 & 6 took part in bike ability earlier in the week, whereby they learnt skills to ride their bikes safely, along with how to check their bike is roadworthy.
We welcomed our new September Reception pupils and parents into school this week where they enjoyed exploring their new classroom. We are looking forward to their next visit and getting to know the children more. September's arrangements for the rest of the school will be shared soon.
Please have a look on the calendar as I have added some important dates for events happening up to the end of term
After such a productive week, I wish you all a relaxing weekend enjoying the warmer weather.
Claire Shelley, Headteacher
Attendance Overall school attendance - 96%
Merlins - 98%
Kestrels - 96%
Kingfishers - 95%
Skylarks - 97%
Wrens - 91%
Top Tip for Parents Free Exploitation and Vulnerability awareness Training
Exploitation and vulnerability training | West Mercia Police click here to book
KS2 Production - Pirates of the CurryBean
Anchors away and set sail for swashbuckling pirate adventure on the high seas in this piratical musical that's sure to shake your booty!
Tickets for this year's production will go on sale on Monday 24th June. There are performances on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July at 6pm in the village hall. Tickets will be available from the school office from 8:40am.
Buy soon to avoid disappointment!
Hot chocolate and toast
Next week we will be serving hot chocolate and toast at morning break (or alternatively ice lollies if summer finally makes an appearance)! As previously, the cost of taking part in this activity is £1.00 and all the funds will be donated to the Salvation Army to support their work with the homeless and vulnerable families in Worcester. We are delighted that Lieutenant Hannah Turnbull from Worcester Salvation Army will be joining us for Collective Worship on Tuesday. Please see below for the allocated day for each class:
Monday - Wrens
Tuesday - Skylarks
Wednesday - Kingfishers
Thursday - Kestrels
Friday - Merlins
20 Jun 2024
A fantastic performance by our year 5-6 rounders team at the cluster tournament saw them crowned champions. The children played well in all their matches, showing some very slick fielding and excellent batting. Throughout the whole tournament, the children demonstrated great teamwork and sportsmansh...
18 Jun 2024
Year 6 had a fantastic day out on the River Severn last week. They had the opportunity to learn from Andy Train, a former Olympian and co-creator of the infamous 'bell boat' on how to work as a successful bell boating team.
12 Jun 2024
On our final day at Folly Farm we headed back up into the woods. David, our instructor, talked about the different reasons for building a shelter. The children then split into two groups to design and build their own waterproof shelter. They were warned a storm was coming (David, Mrs Gregory and Mrs...
11 Jun 2024
This was our view last night as we went up onto the hill to play some games, an excellent way to get the children tired for bedtime!
Everyone slept well and was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready for their second day. Today was all about filming, scripting, editing and narrating a wildlife f...
10 Jun 2024
Reception arrived at school this morning to find a big mess in the cloakroom and some very mysterious footprints! The children decided that there could be a dinosaur on the loose! They decided to make posters to go around school to remind everyone to keep a look out.
10 Jun 2024
Y4 have had a fantastic first day at Folly Farm. We have been up into the woodland, exploring the habitat on the hunt for mini-beasts. The children used reference materials to identify their finds, sharing key facts with the rest of the group. The weather was glorious, so we sat on the hillside to e...
It has been another busy week in Wrens and we have been making the most of the sunshine and taking our learning outside. We have been completing lots of building challenges this week using our large-scale construction to build obstacle courses and creating dinosaurs out of junk modelling. The junk modelling has particularly required lots of resilience and problem-solving skills to work out how to join the boxes and tubes to create our dinosaurs. The children are thoroughly enjoying our "Roarsome Dinosaurs" topic. This week we have been reading the book "Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs" in Drawing Club. We have used this story to support our writing and described some amazing adventures for Harry and the dinosaurs.
In maths, we have started a new topic based on shape and how these can be composed and decomposed to make new shapes. We practised using our mathematical vocabulary to describe which shape didn't belong in a group. We also used the pattern blocks to create some imaginative shape pictures.
We have also started to learn the songs for the Early Years Music Festival which will take place in a couple of weeks. This year the theme is "The Animal Train". Please can you ensure you have returned the permission slip for this trip if you have not already done so.
On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome next year's reception children for their first stay and play transition session. The children were excellent hosts and I was very proud of how they helped our new starters feel at home. Well done, Wrens!
Phonics sheet in the green book and sharing their celebration reading book with a family member.
Tuesday: PE kits for Kidderminster Harriers football
Thursday & Friday: PE kits
Friday: Reading books, library books and green phonics books
This week in English, the children have been using the five senses to describe settings using powerful adjectives before their nouns. They have also been comparing the characters in the book and finding similarities and differences between them. The children have been writing the thoughts and feelings of the characters at different points in the book.
In maths, Year 1 have explored unitising before moving on to our topic on money. This week they have been learning to recognise all of the different notes and coins we have. It would be great if they can begin to experience using cash in shops and looking at the real coins and notes. Year 2 finished their unit on time by thinking about hours in a day and solving problems related to this. They then moved onto our unit on statistics. They started by creating tally charts as a method to record information. They have also been learning about tables, including how to draw and use them.
In history this week, the children learnt all about Florence Nightingale and why she is a significant person in history. The children really enjoyed learning about her and were able to independently recall lots that they had learnt in a piece of writing.
In computing, Year 1 were learning how to click and drag using the touch pad as well as the skills of logging. Year 2 learnt how to take a high quality picture and used them to make a stop motion animation.
In music this week, we have been looking at reading and performing rhythm. We have used crotchets and quavers to clap different rhythms, moving on to creating our own rhythms that we then performed using the claves.
Year 1: Weekly phonics practise sheets are sent home on a Friday in a red phonics book. Information is on the front page of the red book to explain the weekly homework. Your child should 'celebrate' their reading and enjoy 'showing off' how well they can read their Little Wandle book to you. Please read this a few times while it is at home. The library 'sharing' book should be enjoyed and read together as it will contain words with graphemes which have not been taught in school yet
Year 2: 1 page of mental arithmetic maths book set on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. 15 minutes of TTRS (TTrockstars) 'Garage' set on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. Spellings go home on a Friday to learn before the test the following Friday. There are 10 games on Spelling Shed set to help the children learn these
Monday: Little Wandle book and library book to be returned to school. New library 'sharing' book will come home tonight
Wednesday: Year 2 TTRS and mental arithmetic homework book due in
Thursday: PE kit in school
Friday: PE kit in school. Spellings sent home for test the following Friday. Mental arithmetic book sent home. TTRS homework set. Little Wandle celebration reading book sent home
In English, the children are continuing to write their character description this week and are nearly finished. They have produced some fantastic work and we will be moving forward with writing a biography.
In maths, we have continued to look in more detail at angles and turns. We have re-looked at 2D shapes and will be moving though the complexities of geometry by looking at 3D shapes next week before moving on to statistics.
15 mins on TTRockstars
Spelling assignments on EdShed
Mental arithmetic books
Reading as much as possible at home to an adult
Tuesday: Swimming in the afternoon. Please can you make sure your children have their swimming costumes.
Wednesday: Maths homework due in
Friday: Spelling test and maths homework books will go out to be completed by the following Wednesday
In science, the children have studied transpiration in flowering plants by conducting an experiment using cut flowers in water mixed with food colouring to see how long it would take to change the colour of the petals.
In computing, the children worked collaboratively on book reports.
Previously in French, we have learned the numbers up to 31 and this week we built on this knowledge by learning the months of the year.
In DT, the children are in the process of designing and building the chassis for a car using a variety of different materials to test their durability and functionality.
The KS2 performance is coming on amazingly and the children are really getting into their parts. We had our first performance using the brilliant props, also made by the children, and it will definitely be a show to remember!
In English, the children have been learning how to write a precis of Romeo and Juliet. They highlighted the parts of the story that they felt were the most important and we discussed their choices. In order to check they had chosen the necessary parts, the children worked in groups to produce a puppet show of their version of the story. They then wrote their precis, with a word limit of 250-300 words, using Word so that they could keep a check on their word count.
In maths, Y4 have been revisiting their work on time, focussing on seconds, hours, minutes, days, weeks, months and years. There was a little confusion about how many days were in each month, so hopefully this has now been rectified! Y5 have been working on timetables. Following a discussion, we found out that most of the children had not seen or had to read a bus timetable which made me feel extremely old! Timetables are an excellent way of the children being able to practise their reasoning skills with time.
15 min on TTRockstars to be completed by Wednesday
One page of Mental Arithmetic book to be completed and handed in by Wednesday
10 games on Spelling Shed should be completed by the following Friday in preparation for the weekly spelling test
Every day: Reading book and records
Tuesday: Swimming kit for Y4
Tuesday: PE kit for Y5
Friday: Weekly spellings given out
This week, the children in Y6 have thoroughly enjoyed a week of bikeability. This has involved three days learning to grow in confidence with each turn of the pedal. Instructors have spent time with them on the playground learning to start and stop with confidence, how to pass stationary vehicles, how to navigate the road and share it with others. Later in the week, the children were taken on quiet roads to apply these skills. We have received brilliant feedback from the instructors who reported that the children behaved maturely and responsibly and have all learnt a great deal.
15 min on TTRockstars to be completed by Wednesday
One page of Mental Arithmetic book to be completed and handed in by Wednesday
10 games on Spelling Shed should be completed by the following Friday in preparation for the weekly spelling test
Every day: Reading books and reading records
Tuesday & Thursday: PE kit
In RE, the children learnt about the key features of a Jewish synagogue. The children then went on to consider all the important reasons certain features such as the ark and the Torah scrolls are kept where they are and had to carefully consider the placement of these features when redesigning their own synagogue.
In geography this week, we learnt about the importance of crude oil in Midland, Texas. We explored historical maps and used Google earth to explore the transport links and settlements in this part of the state. We were able to see how both had developed over the last 100 years and why these changes have occurred.
In science, the children were revisiting their learning on animals. We focussed on invertebrates and we discussed the different invertebrate groups. The children were then set the task of researching those groups and producing a powerpoint to share the information they had found.
Please see below information within the community but independent of the school