It was lovely to welcome the children back after the holidays and see them keen and ready to learn.
In maths this week, the Y3 children have been learning about multiplying by 10. We have been using place value grids to show that all the digits in a number move one place value column to the left when multiplying by 10. They do not just add a zero! The children have grasped this really well and have even written some calculations on the classroom window! Y4 children have revisited multiplying by 10 and we moved on to multiplying by 100. Again, place value column grids were invaluable when completing these calculations as the children can physically move the digits to reinforce their learning.
In science, we have continued with our topic of 'Light'. The children learned the words transparent, translucent and opaque. They then carried out an investigation into which materials let light through and were able to use their new vocabulary to identify which the materials they had chosen were.
In geography, the children started their new topic of 'Are all settlements the same?' We also recapped the capital cities of the UK, before moving on to looking into the different types of settlements and using aerial photographs and OS maps to identify them.
In music this week we have started our new project, Samba. We listened to Samba music, identifying the instruments we heard and how they were played. We learnt the melodic phrases used in the song and performed the rhythm using a variety of different percussion instruments.
In computing we are building upon our previous knowledge of coding using ScratchJr by extending our coding skills with writing algorithms using Scratch. Today we experimented with altering sprites, changing backgrounds and adding sounds. Here is a link to scratch if you would like to explore more at home Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share
The children have made an impressive start to the term in English. This week we have read a variety of poems, discussing what we enjoy about the language the poet has chosen and what happens when we read and hear the poems. The children then further analysed the poetry, looking for features such as imagery, rhythm, rhyme and similes. The children will be using tools such as imagery and similes to write their own poetry in future lessons.