In music, we discussed different note types that are used in Samba rhythms, including crotchets and quavers. In groups, we explored ideas for rhythmic phrases that could be used as a Call and Response.
This week the children have started writing two different poems focusing on practicing and using different poetry techniques for each one. With Miss Hughes, the children have been working on developing rhyme and rhythm skills, coming up with rhyming couplets based on the theme of "down at the farm". They will be putting the couplets together in specific orders and patterns next week. With Mrs Postlethwaite, the children worked on generating vocabulary and developing imagery for a poem based on a winter morning full of frost and frozen spider webs. The children came up with some impressive similes and descriptive language. They have started to write some lovely poetry.
In maths this week, Y3 have been learning the first stages of using a formal method to multiply. They have been applying their knowledge of partitioning to separate 2-digit numbers and multiply them by 1-digit numbers. The children worked extremely hard to grasp this concept and should be proud of their efforts.
Y4 children have also been multiplying both 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. They have been using both an expanded and a compact method to carry out their calculations and we have spent time discussing which they prefer and why.
In science, we ended our topic of 'Light' by carrying out an investigation: 'Does how far away the torch is from the object affect the size of the shadow?' The children made their predictions and then carried out their activity, ensuring that their measurements were accurate. We then discussed their findings and the children wrote their conclusions using their own evidence to support them.
In geography, we looked at how the UK is split into counties. We discussed what this meant and the children were able to identify different counties across the UK. We then looked at how land is used in different ways - agricultural, residential, recreational and commercial and talked about what these words meant.
In computing, we explored how to write algorithms to make our sprites repeat an action or sound. We learnt how to use loop blocks and had many interesting sounds vibrating across the classroom. Here is the link if you would like to explore more at home Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share.