Happy New Year.
It has been lovely listening to the children this week and hearing the many adventures from the Christmas holidays. On behalf of the staff, I would like to say a huge thank you for all your generosity and kindness for the Christmas gifts, I know they were greatly appreciated.
This week, I have enjoyed seeing the youngest members of our school community demonstrating real independence in their learning. Mrs Lightfoot has introduced her new ‘Rainbow Challenge’ and I was delighted to award the first certificates during our celebration assembly today. Well done.

For more information on this weekly challenge please read the news article below.
At playtimes it is always delightful when you see older pupils playing games with younger pupils. This often occurs naturally at Abberley and is an enjoyable experience for both sets of pupils. Today during lunchtime, Henry and George decided to help some boys who were struggling to break up sticks in an attempt to make a fire pit during their imaginative play. By the end of lunch, not only had they created a fire pit but George and Henry taught the boys all about the fire triangle (which if you look closely at the picture you will see a stick triangle) from their own learning in science. Well done, this is definitely a representation of a ‘Happy Lunchtime’ and all having fun together.

While the weather continues to be close to freezing, there will be an option of an indoor ‘zone’ activity for part of the lunchtime playtime so little fingers do not become too cold.
At the end of last term the Spring 1 Abberley Acorn Activity Sheet came home. If with the Christmas break you have forgotten to book your child onto an activity then it is not too late. Please pop into the school office next week to book a place. Friday night is a KS1 Multi-skills fun night where there will be opportunities to play indoor volley ball, parachute games and blind football with other fun sporting games too.
Worcestershire County Council have informed school that there are a number of unpaid invoices for Abberley Acorns that were issued in November and are now overdue. The invoices were due for payment on the 16/12/23. If you have not paid your invoice yet, it would be appreciated if payment could be made as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please note that in the Abberley Acorns Policy it states that if you owe more than £100 your child will not be allowed to attend Abberley Acorns until all debts have been cleared.
The invoices for Nov/Dec Abberley Acorns and invoices for the Autumn term music lessons will be issued next week.
Have an enjoyable weekend and I'll see you all next week.
Claire Shelley (Headteacher)