Newsletter - 8th March 2024
Our value in Collective Worship at the moment is
The school was buzzing with excitement yesterday as pupils dressed up in their World Book Day costumes. The creativity and enthusiasm displayed by everyone involved truly brought the magic of literature to life. Throughout the day pupils took part in various book activities and fun was had by both pupils and staff. The day really highlighted the pleasures gained form developing a 'love of reading' as pupils enjoyed acting out their favourite characters. I am pleased to report that Mrs Shelley returned to school today after Miss Trunchbull stepped in during her absence yesterday!
I am delighted to share that our school netball team achieved an impressive 3rd place in a recent tournament. Their teamwork and sportsmanship were truly commendable. I would like to congratulate each and every member of the team for their part in securing this position.
Next week our Year 3 pupils are heading off to The Pioneer Centre for their first school residential. I am sure they will have a marvellous time and make long-lasting memories with their friends. We look forward to hearing about their adventures in next week's newsletter.
Please read information below regarding Red Nose Day next Friday and the arrangements for our Easter celebrations.
Happy International Women's Day 2024
Claire Shelley, Headteacher
Acorns Bunny Hop
All the children will be taking part in a sponsored bunny hop for Acorns Children Hospice on Thursday 21 March 2024. Sponsor forms will be coming home in the children's book bags and sponsor money raised can either be sent into school or paid directly to Acorns (details of how to do this are included on the sponsor form).
Easter celebrations
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1 will be joining with Pre School in the Village Hall on Thursday 21 March 2024 for a bunny ear making workshop and their bunny hop challenge. This will be followed by the children performing a few Easter songs. The event will start at 9.15am and finish at approximately 10.00am. Parents are welcome to join in the festivities.
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 invite parents to join them for an Easter service in St Marys Church, Abberley on Thursday 21 April 2024. The service will start at 2.15pm and last approximately half an hour.
Comic Relief
On Friday 15 March 2024 we will be celebrating Red Nose Day in school. We are asking the children to come to school dressed "red to toe" in red clothing for the cost of £1.00. Don't worry you don't need to wear all red - it could just be red socks or a red hairband!
We will also be holding a Comic Relief themed house baking competition. All entries will receive a house point and the top 3 entries in each class will earn additional house points. We will be selling all the lovely creations in a cake sale after school and all the proceeds will be donated to Comic Relief. Please bring your bakes into school on the morning of Friday 15 March 2024.
We will also be selling red noses in school at breaktime during week beginning Monday 11 March 2024. The red noses cost £1.50 each.
Abberley Acorns Invoices
We have been notified by Worcestershire County Council that there are a large number of invoices for Abberley Acorns that are now overdue. These invoices are for wraparound care and clubs in November and December 2023.
The invoices for January and February 2024 are now being sent out and the March invoices will be going out over the Easter holidays.
Please could you pay these outstanding invoices as soon as possible as we want to avoid parents mounting up large debts and the Abberley Acorns policy states that if your debt is over £100 your child cannot attend Abberley Acorns until your debt is cleared.
07 Mar 2024
Reception have been learning about Tinga Tinga art which Mrs Postlethwaite. Tinga Tinga is an art style that originated in West Africa and is named after the artist Edward Tingatinga. The art style depicts African wildlife using bright contrasting colours and patterns. The children creat...
07 Mar 2024
Abberley secure 3rd place in The Chantry Cluster Tournament.
07 Mar 2024
07 Mar 2024
The school was full of different characters today and our headteacher seems to have changed slightly! The children are spending the day taking part in lots of different activities, including a treasure hunt, a minibeast hunt as well as designing new Roald Dahl characters and new chocolate adve...
06 Mar 2024
In science today, Y5/6 were learning about microorganisms. We discussed if they were healthy or harmful and came up with a list for both categories. We reminded ourselves about the 7 life processes all living things do and focussed on respiration. The children then set up an investigation into wheth...
01 Mar 2024
We are extremely proud of Reception this week as the whole class completed their 6 rainbow challenges for the first time. It was lovely to see all the children receiving their rainbow certificates in Collective Worship. A fantastic achievement, Wrens!
The children started the week by completing their brilliant Tinga Tinga artwork with Mrs Postlethwaite. The paintings have created a fantastic display in the classroom. Please see the news article for more information.
We were also very excited to celebrate World Book Day this week. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and thoroughly enjoyed a day taking part in lots of different themed book activities across the school.
In maths this week, we have started to learn about number bonds to 10 and have found that our fingers are really good at working out which 2 numbers we can add together to make 10! Next week we will be playing some games and carrying out other practical activities to consolidate this knowledge.
In PE, we have started a unit of work on dance and are learning to use the movement of our bodies to tell a story rather than our voices.
In music, our new theme is space and last week we listened to some pieces of music associated with space themed films. We imagined we were travelling through space and thought about what we would be seeing as the music was playing.
The children have really enjoyed our topic "Life on the Savanna" but next week we will be moving on to look more at the seasonal changes in our own local environment with a particular focus on spring and Easter. Maybe you can spot some signs of spring whilst you are out and about over the weekend.
Phonics sheet in the green book and sharing their celebration reading book with a family member.
Thursday & Friday: PE kits
Friday: Reading books, library books and green phonics books
This week in English, the children have been working really hard on their newspaper reports. They have done really well with these. Year 2s have included some direct speech and Year 1s have had a big focus on capital letters and full stops.
In maths, Year 1s have been developing their counting skills by counting from 20-50. They have also been learning about multiples of ten to 50 and counting using these. Year 2s have been making equal groups by sharing. They have also focused on multiplying and dividing by 2. They have begun to halve and double numbers.
In history, the children had a special visit from the explorers 'Charles Darwin' and 'Neil Armstrong'! They told the children all about what, where and why they explored. The children then completed a carousel of activities around the room where they were finding out about other explorers. They had to examine the clues about each explorer and try to figure out where they explored, before watching a video of the explorer explaining what they did and why they became an explorer. The children really enjoyed this lesson and acted like true historians.
In music this week, we have been singing different folk songs including Round and Round and Three Blind Mice. We have been singing them as a round.
Year 1: Weekly phonics practise sheets are sent home on a Friday in a red phonics book. Information is on the front page of the red book to explain the weekly homework. Your child should 'celebrate' their reading and enjoy 'showing off' how well they can read their Little Wandle book to you. Please read this a few times while it is at home. The library 'sharing' book should be enjoyed and read together as it will contain words with graphemes which have not been taught in school yet
Year 2: 1 page of mental arithmetic maths book set on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. 15 minutes of TTRS (TTrockstars) 'Garage' set on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. Spellings go home on a Friday to learn before the test the following Friday. There are 10 games on Spelling Shed set to help the children learn these
Monday: Little Wandle book and library book to be returned to school. New library 'sharing' book will come home tonight
Wednesday: Year 2 TTRS and mental arithmetic homework book due in
Thursday: PE kit in school
Friday: PE kit in school. Spellings sent home for test the following Friday. Mental arithmetic book sent home. TTRS homework set. Little Wandle celebration reading book sent home
In English, we have completed our setting description of Castle Grotteskew from our book, Stitch Head. The children have really enjoyed letting their imagination go when describing the spooky setting.
In maths, we have started our work on fractions. We have looked at unit fractions and understood that fractions are always equal parts of a given shape.
15 mins on TTRockstars
Spelling assignments on EdShed
Mental arithmetic books
Reading as much as possible at home to an adult
Monday: Residential
Tuesday: Residential
Wednesday: Residential
Thursday: PE kit
Friday: Spelling test - words from last week.
In history, we looked at the rise of the New Kingdom from the old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. We looked in detail at how the New Kingdom's army changed and how the Pharoahs of the New Kingdom increased the span of the Egyptians empire up the Mediterranean coast towards Anatolia. Finally, we analysed how the increased size of the empire led to change in Egyptian culture and trade.
The children had a fantastic time completing a practical in this week's science lesson. We were studying the role of roots and their functions. We spent the majority of the lesson identifying weeds in the school garden and then the children completed scientific diagrams of the root systems they had discovered.
In RE, we are continuing to look at the traits of the people of God. We looked in more detail at the promises made in the story of Noah and how these form the basis for how people of God feel about God.
In English this week, we have started working on our police reports. We have looked at formal and informal language and which we should use. We are basing our police report on the fire that takes place at Alfie Monk's home (a character from our book, 'The 1000 year old Boy').
In maths, we have continued with our work on fractions and have moved on to subtraction. The children found this much easier to pick up as they were able to apply their understanding from addition and use these skills to subtract.
15 min on TTRockstars to be completed by Wednesday
One page of Mental Arithmetic book to be completed and handed in by Wednesday
10 games on Spelling Shed should be completed by the following Friday in preparation for the weekly spelling test
Every day: Reading book and records
Tuesday & Thursday: PE kit for Y4
Tuesday & Thursday: PE kit for Y5
Friday: Weekly spellings given out
This week in Merlins, we have been writing newspaper reports detailing the events that have happened so far in Camberwell, London. In this part of the city, buildings have been mysteriously falling and people have been unexpectedly dying. The children have been planning and begun writing a newspaper report on these strange happenings, offering their own theories as to what the cause of the chaos may be.
In maths, we have been finding fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. We began the week by converting between just two representations of a value and, by the end of the week, the children were able to confidently interchange between most decimals, percentages and fractions, some even solving complicated problems using their knowledge.
15 min on TTRockstars to be completed by Wednesday
One page of Mental Arithmetic book to be completed and handed in by Wednesday
10 games on Spelling Shed should be completed by the following Friday in preparation for the weekly spelling test
Every day: Reading books and reading records
Tuesday & Thursday: PE kit
In history this week, the children have been learning about how the police force evolved from the start to the end of the 20th century. We discussed and explored how communication, technology and the introduction of vehicles positively and negatively impacted policing. The children then went on to evaluate whether they felt policing was better at the start of the 20th century or whether it is more effective today.
In DT, the children continued to create their model playgrounds using a variety of materials. Children have been practising their sawing skills, their use of a hot glue gun and assembly of their structures. Slowly but surely, their playground apparatus has begun to take shape and we look forward to when we have the finished product.
In science this week, we were learning about microorganisms. We discussed how these can be both useful and harmful and where we might find them. The children used their prior knowledge of life processes to say what all living things do. We then focussed on respiration and how we could test whether yeast (as a microorganism) was a living thing. The children then carried out an investigation involving plastic bottles, yeast and balloons to see if yeast is alive!
Please see below information from within but independent of the school